Monica **********
This is a summary of
Monica **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 4 comments.



Monica ***********
@Alistair *********
thank you. It's for my father. I would just feel better if it was set up instead of then worrying about a daily care person coming in.
Monica ***********
@Alistair *********
are there any in Chiang Mai that have a range for someone that is still pretty independent to needing more help?
Monica ***********
@Eri ***********
I am trying to learn about all these steps because my father wants to move here and get an O visa. How do people bring in the right amount of money to set up a bank account here?
Monica ***********
@Mitchell ******
when it comes to filling out the form, it really looks like it is meant to do with an insurance company in Thailand (when we fill it out with his current insurance, there are parts we cannot do).