I have a 1 year myltiple entry spuse visa that expires on the 8th Aug but my 90 stamp expires in sept when do i need to renew my visa
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You need to renew your spouse visa by the 8th of August, as it is set to expire then. It is advisable to start the renewal process immediately since processing can take time. Remember that while your 90-day stamp expires in September, the renewal of your visa is a separate requirement.
Robert ******
Start doing it now, Monday to be in line for your visa to be extended
Peter *********
Before the 8th of august
Thomas *********
You visa expires in August. A spouse visa takes longer to process. You should be doing yours now. A visa extension by retirement you can do the week before.
Judy *******
The two are not connected. Your visa has to be renewed by 8th August or it expires
, yes, but most likely the IM will look at your allowed stay and ask you to apply for an extension about 1 month before the expiration of your stay not the expiration of your visa. Your IM might even ask you to do a border bounce close to 8 Aug and then apply for extension primo Oct.
Absolute rubbish. Your Visa is dependent on your marriage and you renew before your expiry date.  you must comply with the regulations with regards to requirements for your extension thereafter, where needed you can apply for your multi re-entry  certificate, this is separate from any Visa requirements 
, but I have tried it. Have you? It has nothing to do with the requirements but with when the IM will extend a multiple Non-O. Until the multiple Non-O has not expired there is really no need for an extension as you can just bounce the border and get new 90 days on return.
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Henrik ****
Graham ******
You need to border bounce and re-enter on or before 8-Aug to get another 90 days or you'll need an extension of stay or new visa before your stamp expires in September