What should I do if my Thai visa application was denied due to a doctor not being listed on a clinic's website?

Oct 22, 2024
a day ago
Janelle *****
Taipei DTV update:

Denied but didn’t have to pay. 💰 here’s the reason(i can reapply)

But it was for the most stupidest reason IMO.

For context I am American and applying under soft power - medical tourism

I was rejected my application… because the doctor wasn’t on the clinic’s website.

And I literally have no idea what to do now.

They were not helpful in literally just calling the clinic or accepting an email from their official company email.

They advised me to come back with the original stamp (which I have but no with me)

And to wait for a different supervisor (no idea why?)

She basically said different supervisors may allow for different things. Which is quite insane for an official application.

None of this is on the website by the way as they didn’t even understand the medical soft power initially.

So the moral of the story is

Take a gamble on the supervisor as to what documents are acceptable


Even stranger is they rejected my bank statement, instead asking me to login to my bank account website and show them the live balance.

Never in my life have I’ve heard of such thing
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An American expat shared their frustrating experience with a Thai visa application under the medical tourism category, which was denied because the doctor was not listed on the clinic's website. Despite presenting valid documents, they faced inconsistencies with supervisor requirements and the bank statement verification process. The community discussed the difficulties of navigating Thai immigration laws, particularly within the medical tourism sector, suggesting that rules often vary by supervisor and highlighting the importance of having proper documentation.
Marc ********
Why is that a stupid reason? They don't accept any forest and meadow doctor for the visa program
Annie ************
Welcome to Southeast Asia. 😆
Li ******
Got rejected there as well...
Janelle *****
Andi ***********
Steve *********
I hope you didn’t log into your bank account out in the open. 🎥 just a thought
Justine *********
@Steve ********
may I please ask why you shouldn’t? Genuinely curious. I need Face ID to open mine
Janelle *****
@Steve ********
I refused to
Rogerio ******
Should’ve applied online via LA
Michael *********
Your Dr. wasn't listed on their site, ok.... but also the medical docs you submitted weren't stamped by the clinic in Thailand, or what do you mean by "original stamp"? Thanks for the clarity, I am a but confused by your post. You could opt for muay thai, do it from TPE, hang out until they send you the paperwork. One place in CM told me a week to prepare, perhaps they could expedite it.
Rogerio ******
@Michael ********
fyi I got a letter from a cosmetic clinic for Botox n got it approved
Janelle *****
Michael *********
@Rogerio *****
was that in Taipei? Regardless, how many appointments did you have scheduled when you applied?
Michael *********
Also, did you have a history of Ed or Vol visas?
Janelle *****
David ****
That's Thailand for you. Policies are written for whomever to interpret however.
Jet ********
Hire a service in bkk its much easier because Thai bureaucracy for American is very difficult to understand because you’re correct. It does make no sense and they change the rules all the time.
Don *****
This is why this group is so invaluable. Be prepared to log into the account on the spot. ✍️

For those of us who are more private about finances this is pertinent information.
Henrik *****
You are giving your documents directly to a governmental office, not a dogdy agent.

Editing the document, may lead to rejection.
Janelle *****
@Henrik ****
that’s not what he’s saying at all nor what I’m telling you
Divya **********
Same happened with me. I applied to my nearest embassy under workcation/remote worker category. My application was not accepted as they wanted me to provide an invitation letter from a Thai Company/Gurantor. They would only accept the application for Thai soft power related purposes. I returned home and I emailed them asking what are the exact requirements and they did 180 degree and said my documents were enough to apply under workcation category and I can apply. I was utterly confused. I travelled 8hrs from my home to visit the Embassy with proper documents but was rejected, but on email they are telling me my documents were all good and I can apply. How is this possible? They just make up their own rules on their whim. I just gave up, and will probably apply later from Laos or Cambodia.
Deborah *******
Use an agent you will have no problem
Janelle *****
@Deborah ******
visa agents here only assist Taiwanese
Elisa **********
Because many people have been faking the screenshots of bank accounts 😕
Janelle *****
@Elisa *********
yup I know. The problem is I put all my money back into bitcoin… 😂 I’m wondering if I should get a collateral loan
Andi ***********
The remote work option seems easiest with Taipei, someone noted they were strict about Doctors/clinic verification when they did the Medical application. The doctor works there but their info is not on the website? seems a bit harsh rejecting cos of that. What if the doctor just joined and the website has not been updated. You can email the clinic to confirm the doctor works there and show them that email?
Janelle *****
@Andi **********
that’s what I’m trying to do is get an official email but idk
Andi ***********
@Janelle ****
That should work. The login of the bank to show your balance was used in Laos when they did walk ins. Not heard of it used in Taipei before though. Hopefully you get it sorted.
Werner ************
Taipei is the easiest embassy as well, could just be you?
Danny *******
What's the bank account requirement? Something like $12,000?
Henrik *****
More than 500.000 Baht is the precise number.
Janelle *****
@Danny ******
$14k I had way more
John *******
@Janelle ****
14K USD? That is actually not enough. With the increase strength in the baht, you need almost 15,000 usd. Also why did you not have the original version with the stamp?
Annie ************
@John ******
I think not having the original stamp is what triggered this whole thing. Lesson learned for everyone here.
Chris *******
Every embassy makes their own rules as per who is charge there.

You must know exactly what the embassy you are applying at requires.

As these are all new applications to most, supervisors will have to make decisions at their discretion.

They can ask for whatever they want to support an application.

So some are easier than others, same as the immigration officers in country.
Sasi ************
Sadly to say but welcome to

Thailand!! You’ve not seen anything yet, be prepared.

-Supervisor with different opinions, yes, yes, yes. And yes, the same supervisor who said A to you yesterday tomorrow he will says B.

-Bank Statements on your phone NOPE!! Thai known as เสือกระดาษ every thing must be in form of papers , yes, the government say 4.0 policy; no paper, when confronted the staff about it the reply was simply; show me on paper 😂😩

By the way : bank statement not only that need to be in paper form but ALL pages must be notarized.
Goody ******
@Sasi ***********
what you're saying isn't really just Thailand, it's bureaucracy. 🤣
Janelle *****
@Sasi ***********
no you are not reading it correctly

They want you to login on your phone and show the bank account

They rejected paper
Sasi ************
@Janelle ****
Oh my bad.

That was my experience.

Anyway, It’s just confirmed that one day they say A, the next day the will be saying B as I’ve stated. Event next hour s.
John ********
@Sasi ***********
you have hit the nail on the head, this is Thailand through and through and its never going to change
Tommy ********
Going for a medical condition or some treatment and getting a 5 year visa because of that, we’ll it’s not what the visa is made for.
Aaron ********
@Tommy *******
in Chiang Mai you can get a 5 year DTV with only a one month cooking class.
Thomas *******
@Tommy *******
Then why did they offer that option?
Matt ******
@Tommy *******
why's it there then?? Did you make this visa? Why do people talk in such certainty when they don't know
Janelle *****
@Matt *****
he wrote the law what you mean . Never seen Tommy at the move forward party meetings?
Todd *********
@Tommy *******
it actually IS what the visa is made for. It's one of the specified categories. And it's exceedingly difficult to guess how long a treatment modality or plan will take. so here we are....
Joren ******
@Tommy *******
"Participants in activities such as ... Medical treatment"

It's not?
Munly *******
Wow this is Thai visas for you
Davion ******
Just apply for remote worker? I got approved easily with my own company applying through LA
Ajané **********
@Davion *****
I’m interested in doing this as I work for myself as well. When it came to bank statements or invoices, what did you have to provide? Recent statements from last 30 days? 60 days?
Henrik *****
Enough statements / invoices to show you actualy has a running business.

So no fixed number.
Davion ******
@Ajané *********
I only had to submit one month at the embassy I applied at; however, I’ve seen different embassies require a different amount. Some require 3-6 months of statements so best to ask the one you’re applying at for exact requirements.
Ajané **********
@Davion *****
thank you! Was it the embassy in LA where you applied?
Davion ******
Janelle *****
@Davion *****
I’m in Taiwan for one

And two I don’t have a company
Davion ******
@Janelle ****
you don’t have to have a company and you don’t need to apply in LA.

Just as long as you can prove you work remotely or digitally. Portfolios, monthly income, invoices etc
Janelle *****
@Davion *****
ya I can prove that from TikTok payouts ?


Also about the bank statement do I just attach the first page ? I don’t want them seeing every transaction
Davion ******
@Janelle ****
I redacted my transactions and only had the starting/ending balance + account info shown. You might want to take two copies, one redacted/one original just incase. Every embassy is different
Janelle *****
@Davion *****
ok. Mine didn’t even want the paper balance they wanted me to login in front of them
Helen ********
@Janelle ****
@Davion *****
more embassies, that are still accepting in person, are asking for you to log in and show since people have been "manipulating" documents.
Davion ******
@Janelle ****
yeah guess that’s just the embassy’s requirement in Taiwan
John **********
Did you have a treatment plan from the medical condition from the hospital signed off by the doctor? Were your bank statements not up to date?
Janelle *****
@John *********
yes I did

With stamp

Yes they’re up to date
John **********
@Janelle ****
so why were they rejected?
Stephan ***********
@John *********
"They advised me to come back with the original stamp (which I have but no with me)"

That's why...
Bonnie *********
@Stephan **********
Well, anyone can fake a stamp. That's why they ask for the original. That's not their issue, but yours.
John **********
@Bonnie ********
yep. Rereading it i suspect they just wanted to verify the statements
Bonnie *********
@John *********
But that’s what they were told, all they have to do is comply.
Stephan ***********
@Bonnie ********
Did I say something different?
John **********
@Stephan **********
I saw that for the medical treatment and I can understand that. I was referring to the bank statements
John *******
Maybe they are getting wise to the ridiculous nature of a 5 year visa for a medical appointment... Just a thought
Stéfan ********
@John ******
The "ridiculousness" of the 5 year visa would be taken care of from the top, not by some pencil pusher. That said, Thai consulate employees are notoriously grumpy everywhere.
Todd *********
@John ******
seems unlikely. They created this visa with care. Might be the easiest and least expensive long term residency visa anywhere in the world at the moment.
Rogerio ******
@Todd ********
are you serious?? Thailand is many things but ‘with care and thoughtfulness’ isn’t one of them. They tend to prioritize short term benefits.
Todd *********
@Rogerio *****
Todd *********
@Rogerio *****
absolutely serious. And ‘they tend to prioritize short term benefits’ is just naive nonsense.
Janelle *****
Bob **********
@Todd ********
it will change it’s to easy now
Janelle *****
@John ******
right but mine is a legit medical condition that needs life long treatment
LaMechelle ********
@Janelle ****
I've heard them ask several others to login to their bank account and show the balance, but this is wild. Especially if not every medical facility would be in their system.
Janelle *****
@LaMechelle *******
yeah but that is crazy too because privacy logging in in public .

And yes not every doctor could possibly by in their system so its infuriating
John *******
@LaMechelle *******
They didn’t say it was not in their system but that the doctor listed on his form is not listed on the hospital’s website, implying that they think it might be a fake letter
Janelle *****
@John ******
I am a girl but yes they implied it was fake. I told them can’t you just look up her medical license
Andy **********
@Janelle ****
That's not their job. The onus is on you. Visas are a privilege not a right
Janelle *****
@Andy *********
ok let me just hack into their website real quick and add a doctor ya
Andy **********
@Janelle ****
You responding to me with that stupid suggestion. I suggested it's not up to them to conduct detective work to validate your alleged medical needs and alleged booked medical treatments. You have to provide the proof through a notary. Somewhat curious what medical treatment in Thailand is not available in the Republic of China. Or is this a ruse to lie on a beach?
Janelle *****
@Andy *********
they’re not alleged if I have the original stamp, receipt from the doctor, prescription etc.

They did not ask for a notary so absolutely not the problem.

I am not gonna disclose my medical diagnosis in public
Andy **********
@Janelle ****
ok, I will take your word for it that you have a medical condition thst requires traveling from Taiwan to Thailand for essential treatment. Prescriptions though do not normally need visits to hospitals. Taiwan has pharmacies as well.

You know what the problem is so obviously no need to ask a group.
John *******
@Janelle ****
My bad. Didn’t even look at the name. Can you ask the hospital to update their website?
Janelle *****
@John ******
I just did , they’re confused lol
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