Why was I assigned an interview for my visa application in Taipei?

Oct 9, 2024
7 days ago
Weird situation applying in Taipei. Dropped documents off in morning, they said to come back and if I pass pay at 3pm/4pm, then Friday pick up visa. Today I went back at 3pm, and suddenly they said that they have to interview me on Friday at 10am, and if I pass i then pay and get the visa on Friday. Any ideas what they’d want to interview about? Has anyone had a second interview meeting scheduled with a supervisor???
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is experiencing an unexpected second interview for their Thai visa application in Taipei, where they originally submitted documents but were told to return for payment upon approval. However, they were informed of a need for an additional interview to confirm the documents rather than a straightforward approval process. There are mixed experiences shared by other commenters regarding the necessity and nature of such interviews, with some mentioning scrutiny over bank statements and the verification of income sources. Tips include being prepared to explain all transactions and having necessary documents organized for the interview.
Daniel *******
Any updates about the interview, please? We got into the same situation in Taipei and got interview on Tuesday.
Paul *******
You're welcome to message me directly about the interview and how it went
Paul *******
Been in Thailand many years.
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
just posted the update. Maybe admin needs to approve it. Stay tuned for that update. I did just get my visa now:)
Paul *******
I am not currently in Taipei, but will be going there soon.
Daniel *******
Yes, today. Monday it is national holidays - closed. So that’s why Tuesday.
Daniel *******
No idea for now. We provided an overkill of documents so maybe they didn’t understand some of it. The lady who told me, she genuinely didn’t know. Her supervisor told her to tell us, that we have interview on Tuesday. Supervisor was already gone when I arrived. Will see on Tuesday. She was really nice though 😁 PS: If anyone of you here in the group is in taiwan for DTV, you can let me know, we can share some tips.
Anonymous *************
@Daniel ******
hey gonna post an update properly later today hopefully… man the interview.. it was something. I think I passed though. Sleep deprived and exhausted from work. Gonna try make a new post soon. Headed back AGAIN right now and hopefully will be picking up the DTV but we will see… in <20 minutes.

If you’re here in Taipei now we can meet tonight for dinner / drinks I could use some de-stressing and share in more detail.
@Paul ******
if you’re here now also meet tonight? Or Saturday night.

If you guys are down I’ll message you directly and I can tell you the long version about the interview. It’s definitely something.

Anyways quick question for both of you how many years have each of you “lived” in Thailand?
Daniel *******
Anonymous participant yes that would be amazing. Write a message and we can arrange 🙂
Anonymous *************
@Daniel ******
just messaged you
Paul *******
@Daniel ******
What was the issue in your case?
Sab *****
@Daniel ******
ooh i see
Sab *****
@Daniel ******
you went today? They couldn't give you an appointment on Monday? I'll be only 3 full days in Taipei, now im worried it won't be enough
Sab *****
Any update? Got the visa?
Andi ***********
@Sab ****
Their interview is Friday 10am, the visa will be issued then
Sab *****
@Andi **********
oh right, i thought its Friday already 🙈 my bad
Anonymous *************
@Sab ****
all good haha. I will make a new post with an update on Friday.
Andi ***********
@Sab ****
That's ok, many wish it is Friday when it's not 😁
Anonymous *************
@Andi **********
yeah I wish it is Friday already 😂 today I’m trying to enjoy the Taiwanese holiday but just can’t stop thinking about tomorrow !
Andi ***********
Anonymous participant understandable the anxiety while waiting but you will be ok.
Anonymous *************
@Andi **********
thanks hopefully tomorrow will be a good update
Marianna ********
Anonymous participant you will get it!
Anonymous *************
@Marianna *******
thank you. I hope tomorrow will be a good update
Lyle *********
Christ - very happy I didn’t go through Taipei.

Thailand: we need more tourists, numbers have not recovered since 2019

Also Thailand: we’re going to interrogate you & stress you the f out right up until you pass the immigration gate 😂
Anonymous *************
@Lyle ********
I definitely understand them wanting to make sure the documents aren’t fraudulent but it seems like they’re nit really understanding what the documents are and there’s no specific way that they want us to present the documents so that’s what creates the issues. Hopefully in the future they outline with a bit more specifically what they want.
Kevin *******
Did you have your bank statement notarized?
Anonymous *************
@Kevin ******
nope nothing notarized
Yiba *******
Interview is a normal process and they do it randomly to make sure that people understand they can be interviewed anytime anywhere... I heard that it happens a lot in walk-in applications..
Paul *******
@Yiba ******
Isn't the "interview" when you hand in the documents and they ask you questions about what you gave them?
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
no I don’t think so. I dropped my documents off and they were asking about things but I have to meet the supervisor. Perhaps the supervisor wants to confirm the documents in person or something
Paul *******
Anonymous participant Oh, I see. So no questions asked when you dropped off the documents? I thought that's when questions were supposed to be asked?

Anyway, I know Taiwan has a public holiday tomorrow (national day or something) hence probably why they are dragging this out until Friday.

Then, there's another Thai public holiday on Monday!
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
they did ask questions. The counter lady went through all my documents and was asking what everything is. Friday I meet the supervisor. My guess is they want additional verification somehow or just put a little pressure to see that I’m legit. The counter ladies are Taiwanese maybe the actual immigration/consulate people are maybe thai and they want more info? Not sure.
Paul *******
Anonymous participant OK. Any questions about notarization or legalization of documents? I have everything I need, just no notarized copies of anything (other than my Thai bank statement) and official copies of foreign bank accounts. Links to databases where company registrations can be checked online that sort of thing.
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
I wasn’t asked about notarization but at the same time they don’t seem to really “get” the documents I provided even though a lot of it is verifiable online. I’m gonna try bringing my laptop Friday to show them my invoicing. I hope that covers it.
Yiba *******
@Paul ******
that's an interesting question I also want to know the answer
James ********
Do you have a copy of your US 2023 Federal Income Tax return to show PROOF of your income and expenses ? Personal or business tax returns? That might be helpful as shows income from personal and business with 1099's ISSUED you for commissions paid for your services.
Paul *******
Ok, that's strange. What visa were you on previously?
Anonymous *************
@James *******
I gave them copies of my invoice history for 2024 and 2023. We will see what the meeting is about on Friday. Maybe in person verification.
James ********
Anonymous participant hopefully you will get the DTV visa issued 🍀
Anonymous *************
@James *******
thank you. I hope so too. I’ll be posting an update on Friday for how it goes
Paul *******
How did it go for you?
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
I just made an update post but it got taken down and I can’t find the way to re edit it. I’m exhausted and not rewriting everything I wrote. Hopefully the admins can send me a copy. I’m on super tired mode right now. Long story short they wanted to understand how I was funding living in Thailand in years prior and bringing my laptop helped a ton it was long many questions
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
hey gonna post an update properly later today hopefully… man the interview.. it was something. I think I passed though. Sleep deprived and exhausted from work. Gonna try make a new post soon. Headed back AGAIN right now and hopefully will be picking up the DTV but we will see… in <20 minutes.
Hana *******
@James *******
I applied in Taipei on Tuesday/yesteday and got it today. Did not have to show tax returns or company expenses 🙃
James ********
@Hana ******
wonderful 👍 thank you for your helpful reply 😊
Werner ************
Probably need to check on some of the info you provided
Consider reapplying on basis of soft power (a few dentist appointments) and keep Thailand out of your professional situation. That will save you a lot of nosiness and headache.
Anonymous *************
beginning to think I should’ve done that as well ! They really don’t seem to be understanding the business documents so hopefully Friday’s meeting is about me just explaining the details and hopefully opening my laptop. If I get rejected I’ll probably do soft power route.
Klee **************
Anonymous participant yes if you need to do that, I hope they allow you to change categories
Klee **************
Anonymous participant I tried for four days to make them understand why I was a remote worker, which I definitely am, I provided every document I could think of, and that they asked for, they told me to write a letter explaining my business activities, because I own my own business,I wrote them two different letters, in the end they said you should change your category to soft power activities, only then was I approved
Anonymous *************
@Klee *************
here in Taipei also? Dang. That’s frustrating. We’ll see how my interview goes tomorrow. I’m hoping they let me open the laptop and show them. And I hope they just accept it. Or that they want me to explain deposits in my bank account. Cross my fingers I can just get this sorted Friday. Taipei isn’t bad, but it’s not exactly where I want to be spending my time either. I’d like to at least get out of the city a bit but this keeps me here…
Klee **************
exactly, I applied under remote worker and was denied, not sure why though as I am a remote worker, then they allowed me to change categories to "soft power activities", I got a letter from my Thai dentist and was approved the next day, then my wife the day after that, very easy process
Karl *********
I heard you while I was waiting, They told everyone today who paid to come back Friday 4pm.

I applied yesterday and would have got it the same day as did others but they took me into an office yesterday and drilled me on my bank statements. (take that employment contract you mentioned and anything you think they may want)

In the office we went through all my bank statements and confirmed it was all income from the same company no income from Thailand. They also had an issue with my company license (ASIC certificate-australia)

I managed to talk through and explain everything they were very nice about it then told me to come back today 4pm and was approved... but it would be something similar good luck!!!
Paul *******
Aha, see, that makes sense. I think if everything is clear to them then there's no need for further questioning.
Paul *******
@Karl ********
Were any of your documents notarized?
Karl *********
@Paul ******
no not at all.. nothing notarised and that was the issue with my company license.. “where’s the stamp, not official”

Australian embassies state they do not notarise documents or provide residency confirmation on their sites. In the country we use “justice of the peace” to certify documents. (citizens who volunteer and register to notarise documents) but an Australian in Asia what would the options be 🤔

I explained all of this and pointed out that the certificate is from the official registration office, on official letter head and that it is accepted through out australia as registration.

States the ABN and ACN and registered company name (Australian business number and Australian company number)

They highlighted all those numbers and the supervisor accepted it.
Paul *******
Karl Fjeseth For the transfers into your account, does it simply say "Osko transfer" plus a description of the payment? For example, "Osko transfer invoice

If so, that's maybe why questions were asked (given the staff there are unfamiliar with what that means), though usually, there's also the name of the transferring party in front of that as well.

I hold bank accounts in multiple jurisdictions including Australia. My partners pay me into my account and the transaction description states "[Company name] + description" which depends on what the client/partner company decides to write on the description. Usually it's according to the invoice I send them (for example, "invoice
") but sometimes it's a description based on what the funds are being transferred for.

I will supply invoices/receipts and bank statements, highlighting the transactions. I have decided to bring along all invoices so far paid from this year plus one dating back to 2020.

Payments into these accounts are all international transfers. However, the description is usually largely the same even from domestic sources, though it depends on your bank.
Karl *********
@Paul ******
yes they all say Osko and then have the description as your example, invoice Number… I think it will be something similar for the poster. I hope for their sake it’s easy to explain… they were quite nice. It’s just very nerve racking going through everything and keeping your fingers crossed while they go back and forth from the office checking.

After I left the office, they took my 11,000 TWD and all was good!
Paul *******
@Karl ********
Aha. That means they don't have the name of the transferring party. I think that's what tripped the consulate up. Anyway, sounds like a simple explanation did it for them. So that's good
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
I’m not Karl but makes me think I was questioned because my deposits don’t provide details. It’s just “square” or whatever… I think.
Sab *****
@Karl ********
how many months of bank account statements did you provide?
Karl *********
@Sab ****
I provided bank statements of 6 months but the 500,000b was in there under 3 months.. ending Balence 500,000b plus I provided a “proof of balence” letter from the day prior to applying.

This wasn’t questioned at all. A second account my income goes into was questioned.
Luis ******
@Karl ********
I'm worried about being hassled like this as I'll be applying with my own LLC from the US contracted by myself (my company) as a marketing manager, which is true and has been for years working online as a freelancer. So in addition to my bank statements I will likely also provide my LinkedIn and Upwork profiles for examples to support my proof of income and the deposits I'll be making. Hoping it will be good enough 🤞🏻🙏
Anonymous *************
@Luis *****
write a contract between your LLC and yourself. I think it’ll help. I also have a U.S.-based LLC and they really seemed to struggle to understand how I could work if I do not have an employment contract under the very LLC that I own. I’m like… “look here’s the LLC.” If possible get it notarized. Also, they kept asking me for the “business license,” which was confusing to me because you don’t need a “license” as a digital marketer. In the end I pointed to the file number under my Articles of Organization and they were like “oh okay,” so by “license” I think they mean “business registration number,” which is probably the registration number for your articles of organization, not to be confused with your EIN number.

Yeah, it’s a bit frustrating. I’m considering writing a contract now to bring for myself for the interview, but it seems more like I’m gonna have to explain away my random crypto related transactions. I hope they take an easy word for it and I don’t have to open my trading account and verify each last penny that went into my bank account because I have several bank accounts and all kinds of investments and whatnot… ugh.

Back to the LLC. I can’t emphasize enough how they didn’t seem to understand how I can work without an employment contract. It’s like they think being the owner of an LLC is like owning 100% of the shares of a company (S-corp?) where you have to W2 employee yourself. It’s a funny notion to me to write a self employment contract because in America the LLC is a pass-through unless specified otherwise, at least in the state I’m registered, but… Yeah.

I’m really hoping they let me just open the laptop and show my projects.
Luis ******
Anonymous participant I hope things workout for you please lmk bc I will go in February to apply when my current visa expires...and yeah that's exactly what I'm doing and only have the LLC business registration certificate showing it's valid in my state and then will make a contract for myself from my LLC 🤷🏻😅🤞🏻
Karl *********
Yes we went through every transaction related to my income or deposited. My references vary for my income and they were convinced it wasn’t all the same company.

I have rental properties also and they questioned why the reference/descriptions varied.

I’ve been popping Xanax since yesterday morning waiting for now such a painful wait for you!!

But it sounds like as long as it’s all foreign income it’s ok, that seemed to be their main concern.
Anonymous *************
@Karl ********
oh man alright thanks again… looks like I’m gonna have to sit down and figure out my answers for each deposit. A lot of crypto stuff. I also sold some crypto to pad my bank account in case a client paid late. Then I have transactions from another bank account. Oh boy. It might be a long one.

Btw, did they make you open any other bank accounts and have to create a trace for every income? Or is my simple answer of “crypto” and “transfer from my other bank account” fine? I also have other side projects, so I’m already feeling angst about having to dive into every side project considering how little they seemed to understand the term “digital marketing.” I REALLY do not want to have to start explaining about anything tech or crypto related.

And yeah, I’m anxious lol. I was anxious before and sleep deprived and this is NOT how I was expecting the next 2 nights to go (stuck in limbo!). I’m gonna try relax and have fun tomorrow.

But yeah did they want a simple answer “my crypto investments” or was it really intensive explaining each deposit?
Karl *********
Anonymous participant it was pretty simple answers, “yes that’s employment income” - “yes that’s rental income” they asked “why is the description different for your income sometimes your name sometimes company name, sometimes this that ”

I also said “I’m not sure that’s just how my employer pays me, maybe it’s from different banks?”

In reality I employ myself and when I pay myself I write anything in the reference but wasn’t going to say that. 😅

I also had to go through all the statements with a highlighter and write in pencil for them. “Rent income” “employment income” and stated all employment income is the one company.

I provided an employment contract and a certificate both signed by my partner/second director of the company and both state my yearly income.- they noted the contact numbers on my employment certificate. So I warned my partner he may get a call, they didn’t call though.

In Australia we have “Osko” it’s a payment provider for instant transfers within Australia. Every transaction states this and they were very confused about that one. Lots of showing them google searches to explain what Osko was.

Considering nothing was certified and lots of questions came up I’m very grateful to be in Bangkok this morning with my dtv, but they did easily accept all my explanations. No they never asked to see my banking apps or anything like that, I offered to try explain and it was ignored.
Anonymous *************
@Karl ********
Thanks a ton Karl. I’m glad you got approved. In this case today I’ll probably review my bank statements so I know what to expect and have answers for it in case I don’t sleep so well again. They probably will want to understand what “square” is so hopefully I can show them that. “Square” is what I’m using for processing invoices and payments so indeed I’m not getting a deposit from a company but instead “square.” I’ll post an update tomorrow.

Thank you again for your comments and advice !
Anonymous *************
@Karl ********
Okay thanks for the info!! I’m a little bit stressed about it haha. I wish I could be going tomorrow and not having to wait a whole extra day in limbo.

When you say they “drilled you” do you mean that they covered literally every single transaction that you ever did? Or did they point out various transactions and be like “explain this?”

I do have deposits into the bank account I provided that aren’t strictly from my invoicing software, and it’s crypto related, so I’m not looking forward to having to explain that I have other bank accounts and that I’m taking the occasional crypto trade or investment or whatever… And of course little side projects.

Also considering that you said everyone today was told to return on Friday.. It makes me think that maybe the supervisor had a personal situation come up where they had to leave work or they left early due to the holiday tomorrow because they’re closed tomorrow.
Yin *****
may I know which route did you use to apply DTV? medical/dental or other soft power? remote worker?
Anonymous *************
@Yin ****
remote worker
Elías ********
Not really weird, as it's written on the rules that they can perform additional in person interviews, even for online applications. Not common, but not unheard of.
Anonymous *************
@Elías *******
i guess I’m just curious what they want to interview about and make sure I’m prepared. I’ll be thinking about extra documents I can supply too.
Andi ***********
Not heard of anyone having an interview there. They will most likely want to confirm/get more detail on info provided. They did not ask you to bring any docs so that is a good sign. Seems they have got stricter this week.
Paul *******
@Marianna *******
I'm in Thailand so whatever process is involved, has to be performed here.

Documents issued in foreign countries generally aren't authenticated by their embassies in Thailand.
Marianna ********
@Paul ******
nah they can do a certificated copy of anything online and send you here the documents.
Paul *******
@Marianna *******
Yes I know, through a notary. I've decided to get my company registration documents notarized (there are two), but that's it. Other documents already have signatures and in some cases, stamps on them.
Marianna ********
@Paul ******
yes yes good choice. I only notarized the registration. Good luck!
Anonymous *************
@Andi **********
Yeah I just saw another post and other comments on that post it seems like they are finally tightening up. My other theory is that because tomorrow is a holiday and they’re closed that maybe the supervisor took off early today hence why there was no meeting. I can’t think of why else the supervisor wouldn’t just immediately meet me today. Or something else (ie personal life) came up.

Anyways I wasn’t told I need to bring additional documents, but I might try to print some just in case. And then Friday I plan to bring my laptop so I can show the origin of some documents, like my invoicing, to prove that I legitimately make the money. I hope that’s all there is to it!
Andi ***********
Anonymous participant Bring everything you have just in case, best to be safe than sorry. They seem to be ticking boxes as other reply mentioned. You will be ok.
Anonymous *************
@Andi **********
thank you 🙏 I sure hope so. I love Thailand!
Marianna ********
Anonymous participant I think they just want to go through of your documents and that's it.

But I kind of feel that, all of us who applied on Monday. Got it.

Tuesday team started get issues. And now interviews and everything.

Maybe they need to do tick boxes you know. To prove that they don't give out so easy or I don't know. I wouldn't worry if they didn't ask for additional things. Just go and explain your situation
Anonymous *************
@Marianna *******
Thanks. Dang I’m wishing now I made the Monday team haha. They do seem to be getting stricter everywhere around. I do hope they let me open the laptop and show the source of the documents, ie where I got my sales summary from, because they seem to not like the lack of notarization. I hope that’s all there is to it.
Marianna ********
Anonymous participant yes because all the evisas already wants notarization so the in person started to toughen up. They will accept it. They have a holiday on Thursday, they rest and have fun. And Friday go easy on the people
Paul *******
@Marianna *******
What kind of notarization? From a notary public?
Marianna ********
@Paul ******
mine was notarized by a Notary Public and he took it to the Thai embassy in HK. It's not difficult to notarize documents , it's just really expensive. I have had to notarized my degrees and documents the past 5 years for different visas around Asia. An agency can do it for you, but the time depends on the country of origen. Hong Kong took me 4days. China can be 3-4 weeks. UK docs also 7-10 days. It really depends, but not difficult just bunch of money and time
Paul *******
@Marianna *******
Yeah no time to do this for the Chinese documents I have. I plan to visit Taipei next week. Maybe I can get one document authenticated and legalized in France but the Chinese company registration, which has been translated can only be notarized by a notary public in Thailand and that's it
Marianna ********
@Paul ******
from 8th October Vietnam and many other countries went to only evisa so you can also check those requeiments if it's maybe more applicable. I didn't want to do that way because if they reject evisa you lose that money, and Taipei only made us pay if we got accepted.
Anonymous *************
@Marianna *******
Thank you. Hopefully that’s the case, easy approval Friday after thursday fun!