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What do Thai men value when dating Thai women?

Aug 29, 2024
6 months ago
Nan **********
I’m not sure if this post will help you with dating Thai women or not, but I want to share what Thais value

I want to share how my friends, who are Thai men, ask women when they want to date Thai women.

The important question they usually ask is what university the woman graduated from. It’s a green flag if she graduated from:

1. Chulalongkorn University

2. Mahidol University

3. Thammasat University

4. Kasetsart University

5. ABAC (Assumption University)

6. Any European or Western universities

The second most important question is about her career.

The third question is about her lifestyle and whether she’s an introvert or extrovert.

I’ve found that a common question is whether Thai men need to support their girlfriends financially. First, I’m Chinese-Thai with no Western ancestry. I can say that my father has always supported my mother and his children (my brother and me), financially. However, he has never once paid anything to my grandparents (my mother’s parents). My father bought his children and his wife everything in life including cars and houses, but never bought anything to my mother’s parents. My brother treats his wife the same way.

Do I need to pay anything to my family? No, I’ve never paid anything to my family at all. I once gave my mother 200,000 THB for her birthday, but that was only one time, and only for one birthday. My family has always paid for everything in my life. Would I be a good daughter if I supported my family financially? Yes, but I don’t see the point in financially supporting my mother and father

Another common question is about the amount of dowry, and I know many of you don’t like it. In my family, we all pay at least 2 million THB to the woman’s family.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In the context of dating Thai women, Thai men often prioritize factors such as the woman's educational background, particularly her university, career prospects, and lifestyle traits like being introverted or extroverted. Discussions around dowries reveal cultural nuances, including that while 2 million THB is often mentioned, it varies greatly by region and family, with some families returning dowry post-wedding. Financial expectations within relationships can differ, with some women supporting their families, while others do not expect financial assistance from their partners. The conversation showcases varied personal experiences tied to class and expectation in Thai relationships.
Tulip ********
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? vital to know and impossible to work out without asking, unless of course on a first date she dances on the table shouting out, ''I can take on all comers and flashing her boobs'' Certainly my friend should have seen that coming.
Tulip ********
What is your career? Vital if you are allergic to people in the banking sector.
Tulip ********
Yes you have nailed those important questions, did you go to a university renowned for producing wives?
Tulip ********
What a steaming pile of old poo. University rankings for wife material. And here's me thinking they were to do with education. I guess any money Dad gifted you was wasted, and the same can be said for any 'education' too.
Joe *****
Dowry is a thing of the past in most of Thailand. I like long time relationships with age appropriate thai women but once I tell then "I will oay all your bills but not for your majority age children..we will live together and I give you a budget of 20 k a month BUT I never buy houses land or car amd I won't marry you cam see the lights go out in most of their eyes...even the poor amd older ones have huge and mostly greedy expectations...obv there ate exceptions but it's not nearly as easy as it use to be and with many newbie single old males moving here there will be plenty of competition from them doing stupid sxxt and losing their savings. Dowry is 100% nonsense especially if u r not a virgin..divorced amd have kids...
Deniz *********
@Joe ****
20 000 monthly???? My goodness, they will immediately stop working and sit home and " play Facebook and tiktok" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nan **********
@Deniz ********
20k is nothing😑
Deniz *********
@Nan *********
for you it is nothing.

For a Thai woman who works for 9 to 15 000 in months is a lot.

And on the other side, for lots of farangs it is too much( over 500 dollar ) who don't have as much as you
Deniz *********
As I said I am not talking about rich Thai women and rich farangs. And by the way most of Thai girl from upper class would never start anything with a farang 🙏🙏🤣🤣
Joe *****
Nan Apichaya Very interesting. I know many high status guys with wives and they refused to pay a dowry becauae its not 1965..thsy dont even do that in China anymore and many forgotten women wosh they had not been greedy and asked for a dowry because now they will be single forever..times have made sense many many years ago but now women are equal .Maybe in a small province in the phillipines a small dowry makes semse but thailand is not a 3rd world country English we call those guys "stupid":) "
Juls ******
@Joe ****
Mister, you informations are wrong, and you show so much disrespect !

In China the drowy is a central thing, and a big trouble for union.

Another pretentious colon, talking without knowledge, judging without the correct cultural baggage.

And unable to realise it.
Joe *****
@Juls *****
Dowry is nit needed anymore fir older women. Dowry fir young virgin women from excellent family but only stupid foreigner will oay a Dowry. Dowry fir Chinese only..not.for foreigner.
Juls ******
@Joe ****
Stay with bargirls. There is dowry too, but you pay the price at the end.

You will discover it soon enough.
Joe *****
I repeat: there is no dowry required anymore for older left behind women. It's a fact

Sad but 100% true. So many women single becauae they waited for a dowry when there were younger more attractive women available for less money:)
Joe *****
@Juls *****
and u stay close to the atm hahaha
Juls ******
Joe *****
@Juls *****
that's awesome hahaha
Nan **********
@Joe ****
We are talking about Chinese-Thai culture, and you know nothing about it. Dowry is for women of all ages, both old and young. We are not discussing foreign cultures.
Nan **********
@Joe ****
My family happily paid, as did all my friends. Those of REAL high status perceive people who don’t pay a dowry as low-class, assuming they can’t afford it
Joe *****
@Nan *********
good luck to those idiots;) a billion women outbhere who are young and beautiful that don't require a dowry...I'll be choosing one of those:) but u r lovely and I do wish u a lot of happiness:)
Nan **********
@Joe ****
Good luck with dating bargirls and low class people
Joe *****
Nan Apichaya good luck with a super wealthy man who loves you because u r so understanding and wonderful :)
Nan **********
@Joe ****
All the questions I asked the man were collected from my male friends who have high status and graduated with master’s degrees from the USA and the UK. Usually, when they participate in social groups, they introduce their partners and highlight their partners’ status as well. High-status men don’t care about dowries, even if their wives require 20 million THB
Christopher *************
This was ment to be a group for thaivisa advice ---- not dating a thai lady advice group 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Deniz *********
@Christopher ************
exactly 🤣🤣 some months ago some of my posts were rejected because they said they were not about visa issues, however it was much closer to visa issues than this post 🤣🤣
Christopher *************
My opinion from experiance is that thai men are often work shy ,so want the girlfriend/wife to work,bring up kids and do most things around the house , while the man is often lazy and cheating. People have said on here 99 percent of farrangs marry bar girls. That's a load of rubbish only desperate overweight guys who don't look after themselves end up marrying bar girls. Also not all bar girls are bad far from it. Also I have seen that it's the girls in a family that tend to support their parents if needed as the men just would not care or be bothered too.

Dowries I completely disagree with it's like uour buying the wife for a price to her family and it's becoming a dying practise these days.

Finally unfortunately guys --- very few woman are free in any country of the world that's a fact there will always be costs of being with them.

All I suggest is take your time and remember farrangs are most likely not looking for the same qualities that have been a mentioned requirement for Thai men.

Take your time and don't make decisions when your drunk lol
Nan **********
@Christopher ************
No, for me, Thai men are better. They are gentlemen, kind, generous , and polite. I don’t suggest that foreigners follow what Thai men prefer, but I’ve noticed that many of you often assume that every Thai woman is a prostitute. Prostitutes don’t give a fk about education. That’s it
Christopher *************
@Nan *********
your completely wrong , but it's unfortunate that in every tourist area there are 100,s of prostitutes and on every dating site. That's why sexpats come to Thailand it's the chicken or the egg. Yes men often think alot are prostitutes unfortunately for what ever reason many are. Good luck with thai men , yes there's good and bad in every Nationality, but you can't stereotype any man or any woman, there's good and bad every where. All I can see is many many unmarried thai ladies with kids whoose boyfreinds/ husbands did a runner when the child was born and never bothers after. That's from talking to many thai ladies over the years. So good luck , take your time there good and bad every where , the key is finding the right one , and luck can play it's part in it
Nan **********
@Christopher ************
You talked as if that wouldn’t happen with Western men.😑
Christopher *************
@Nan *********
I'm not saying that at all , western men and woman in many cases are so bad as well , not just western either , Middle east , and ex soviet countries , Australia,USA etc etc all as bad
Sally *******
@Christopher ************
very few men are free I've found in my life! Maybe we are all looking in the wrong places? Very few men do look after themselves past 40 years old, they are mostly disgusting. I'm still waiting for a balanced relationship in terms of health, finances and intelligence. Sadly I think I'll be waiting a very long time, but I'm lucky I don't have to compromise.
Christopher *************
@Sally ******
good luck and yes your probably looking in the wrong places.
David ********
My wife is from Yala in the deep muslim south and graduated from Kasetsart University. She never worked in a bar and has a mixed Thai-western mindset. Best of both worlds.

No ridiculous 2M baht dowry either.
Deniz *********
It is very interesting that this wasn't rejected by Thai Visa and just posted here even though it doesn't have anything to do with Visa issues. There were many comments which were close to visa issues and they were rejected.

However it is interesting but far from reality what he wrote about Thai girlfriends and foreigners.
Nan **********
@Deniz ********
it has ‘And everything else’
Deniz *********
@Nan *********
maybe in your world but not in the world of 99% of Thai women and foreign men .
Nan **********
@Deniz ********
What I said is about Thai men and Thai women because I’ve seen that many foreigners struggle to find not a bargirl partners.
Deniz *********
@Nan *********
the one who is on search for a partner in bars must be very stupid or desperate, with all my respect to those girls who work there because most of them want to have a better life for themselves and their family.

Those farangs don't know that you can take a girl from bar but the bar is very difficult to be taken out from girl's mind.

The issue is very complex and there are many types of Thai women and farangs.

A Thai woman don't need to be educated in those universities to be a good partner. There are lots of amazing Thai women without any high education.

Nan **********
@Deniz ********
I understand, but many Farang here think that most Thai women are bar girls or freelancers. I just wanted to share our Thai values and how well-educated Thai men choose their life partners. Most prostitutes don’t care about getting even undergraduate degrees
Deniz *********
@Nan *********
yes I understand. Both attitudes are false, those farangs who see in Thai women only a prostitute and those Thai women who see in farangs only a Bank account.

However I appreciate your efforts to present a true face of Thailand and Thai women to the world
Carlos *********
I read this post and wonder. Is paying a dowry for a wife not the same as buying one? Is there a market for women? Has any Thai woman felt like an object because she had to be bought? What is the value of marriage? I am Latin American and I come from a culture where marriage is a decision between only two people, there are no negotiations, nor payments to the family. It is more common for the parents of both fiancés to help with the wedding expenses (The idea of this is to help the newly married couple start their family more easily)
Juls ******
@Carlos ********
western point of view. Just a few decades back, dowry was a common thing in EU too...
Carlos *********
@Juls *****
It is true, my perspective is totally Western and just like in the EU during the colonial era in Peru there was also that tradition, however the concept of marriage was completely different for our original culture (Inca Culture)
Kool *******
@Carlos ********
traditional sin sot isn't buying a woman. It is a Guage of whether you can support their daughter, and typically given back when buying their first house, or their first child, or, and this is another side most aren't aware of, for the girl if divorced, to get back on her feet. Certain elements of the poor population have used foreigner's ignorance of what sin sot actually is, and do in fact look at it as a sale, so to speak, because they keep all the money, and don't follow Thai tradition concerning sin sot.
Carlos *********
@Kool ******
Thanks for your explanation, that makes a little more sense to me. I don't really know much about Thai tradition, so if it only refers to a dowry it gives the impression that it is a purchase.
Neil ******
@Carlos ********
more symbolic these days than an actual sale.
Neil ******
@Carlos ********
not to be pedantic, but a lot of people don’t know this. Fiancée is for a woman and fiancé is for a man. So saying both fiancés would describe a gay relationship between 2 men.
Carlos *********
@Neil *****
Forgive me for the translation, my language is Spanish and I am learning more and more English.
Neil ******
@Carlos ********
happy to help!
Nan **********
@Carlos ********
We have different cultures, and my family always pays the bride’s family. We don’t feel like it’s treating anyone as an object. My family always happily pays.
Carlos *********
@Nan *********
I understand that we come from different cultures, but I wonder: Doesn't the value of the dowry define the value of a woman, just like it does with an object? What happens if a bride falls in love with a person who can't pay a dowry? For you, is marriage an act of love or a commercial act? These are questions that make me curious, since in my culture that would be seen very badly?
Nan **********
@Carlos ********
I don’t see anything bad in it. It’s my culture. My family pays to ensure that if our men don’t treat their wives well, the women will have money to start a new life
Carlos *********
@Nan *********
Thank you for your explanation, my intention is not to judge, but to understand a new culture different from mine.
Nan **********
@Carlos ********
Okay, my family is always happy to pay when our men are getting married. In my culture, divorced women face taboos, making it hard for them to find a new husband. All Thai women leave their homes to live with their husbands, which means they lose the opportunity to take care of their elderly parents. Most of the time, women leave their jobs when they have children. The dowry acts as a guarantee that if her husband leaves her and she can’t find a new husband, she’ll still have money to support herself. Nice that u don’t judge
Carlos *********
@Nan *********
Thank you for your clarification, now I understand the tradition of the dowry better, for me it is very interesting to see the differences in perspectives in different cultures. I tell you that in my country we also had a period where marriages were carried out with a dowry but it was a tradition brought in the colonial era (Period of the Spanish conquest). However, for our original culture (Culture of the Inca Empire) marriage was only a registration for the Inca (King) where the new couple was given a plot of land so that they could form their family, begin to produce and pay taxes within the empire, through the "Mita" (collaborative work within the community) the rest of the families committed to build the house of that new family as part of the communal activities. In our culture there was also the "Servinacuy" which was the legal permission for a man and a woman to live together for a time without having children and prove that this union could be lasting. It is curious how concepts evolve over time, since for the Inca culture, for example, virginity was not valuable and an adult virgin woman was considered a woman who had not been loved.
Nan **********
@Carlos ********
In the past, the Thai dowry acted as compensation for the family because when a woman left to marry, she lost the ability to support her family. It was believed that women always took care of their parents, so when they left, the parents needed money to support themselves.

Now, the concept of dowry has changed to what I explained earlier. For me, I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s a tradition that we’ve practiced for a long time. We used to say that divorced women are for foreigners because, in the past, no Thai men would marry a divorced woman.
Carlos *********
@Nan *********
It's interesting how both cultures sought to protect the family but in different ways, thanks for sharing your perspective.
Nan **********
@Carlos ********
Thank you for sharing ur history too. ☺️
jamiu ******************
Sunny *******
Any man will support his wife and children… girlfriend - that’s another story. So make your story clear please !

You have not answered your own question: do girlfriends expect to be financially supported by their boyfriend?
Nan **********
@Sunny ******
I’ve just seen your question. If we’re just dating, then no. I’ve never moved out either, but if the couple lives like they are married, then yes.
Manuel *********
Who asked ?
Nan **********
@Manuel ********
none of ur biz
Manuel *********
@Nan *********
coming into a visa advise group and bragging about your life as 70% of your post is is a red flag in a woman. Your post has absolut 0 substance to a visa advice group. Your degrading the rest of the Thai woman that are not in your university list lol absolut delusional
Nan **********
@Manuel ********
Hate me, and you still can’t do anything about it 😊
David ******************
Why are Khon Kaen University or Chiang Mai University not considered reputable?

Chulalongkorn University and the other private and public universities in your top 5 list are the top tier universities in Thailand. As with most countries, whether Australia, Ireland, Japan, United States, or hundreds of others, each country has a variety of local and national and state universities or trade schools that offer pathways for a meaningful education and career. In Japan, for example, there are top tier universities (Keio or Ritsumeikan), but there are many other reputable universities (Kansai Gai Dai). I’m not sure where University of New South Wales ranks in Australia, but I liked its location near Coogee Beach.

Overall, in my experience, affluent / rich Thai families can pay for their children to attend universities in other countries ….

I personally seem to connect more with hard-working Thai people who work to attend and graduate from Khon Kaen University and start a career without the “high so” advantage … I’m just a working class Irish bloke getting thru life
Nan **********
@David *****************
Honestly, all of my male friends who said these things have master’s degrees from the USA and UK, and they are happily married. Most of my friends stay in Bangkok btw
Terary **********
"Everything else" is now "therapy" :)
Xjwhudkwhry ********
Well, we aren't Thai men, so w sunny have to ask those questions...
Nan **********
@Xjwhudkwhry *******
yes, the rest are for foreigners
Mc ******
I read you and was so boring, doesn't matter all your status and money when someone is soooo boring 😴
Nan **********
@Mc *****
I’m very glad that I’m not interesting to you
Mc ******
@Nan *********
no problem, maybe next time
Nan **********
@Mc *****
No, I don’t want to be interesting to u
Mc ******
@Nan *********
it was sarcasm 😂
Greta *****
You should write a book. "Thai women dating for dummies"
Gianpaolo ******
You must understand that Thais are taught from a young age in schools that they have a duty/obligation to take care of their parents! they do a kind of brainwashing to them! It is a cunning and sneaky move by the Thai government to offload elderly people to their children so that the government does not have to take care of them with social pensions or other types of benefits
Jimmy ******
@Gianpaolo *****
brainwashing? So the parents who are living In europe in retirement homes seperate from their families and suffer from loneliness are happier? I know that when I’m old and frail I would rather spend as much time with my family than getting a bigger government pension pot
Nan **********
@Gianpaolo *****
Why should I support my parents if they are MUCH richer than me?
Gianpaolo ******
@Nan *********
you don't have to support them!
Frank *********
Typical Thai dowry or shimshaw is 2 million baht?


Your funny…

This is
% not the norm in rural Thai or Thailand in general

Either you straight lie or you no know much about Thai culture by todays standard…

Don’t believe everything you read on these posts my fellow farang brothers 🙏🙏

No take my word for it…

Just do your own research
Chris ******
@Frank ********
She's trolling ,whilst sat in her Ferrari.
Frank *********
@Chris *****
And straight Lying 🤣

But the sad part is…

Many farang that don’t know much about Thailand and Thai culture might actually believe her nonsense

So I had to say something…

Just trying to look out for my people bro 😉
Nan **********
@Chris *****
I’m not
Nan **********
@Frank ********
2million thb is considered a small amount of money and I don’t stay in the rural of Thailand.
Jarek ************
@Nan *********
2 Mil THB will pay for many nights with beautiful girls, cooking, cleaning etc... Girls that won't age and girls that one doesn't have to invite again if they get on ones nerves. So what is one getting for the 2 Mil??? Is she a virgin, highly educated with a very high salary or family wealth? And if she is from a wealthy family why do they need the 2 Mil in the first place??? There are way too many simps out there 😂😘
Nan **********
@Jarek ***********
yes, let’s date bargirls
Jarek ************
@Nan *********
lol with bar girls you pay em to leave, seems like with dowery you're just paying up front for a depreciating expense... Educate me, what do I get for the 2 Mil? 🤔
Nan **********
@Jarek ***********
No, like I said. Go get a bargirl
Jarek ************
@Nan *********
I am not into girls that have seen more 🍌 than a public urinal, nor am I stupid enough to pay dowery 😂
Nan **********
@Jarek ***********
yes, let’s date bargirls. As I said
Jarek ************
@Nan *********
once again you're not getting it nor are you addressing my previous keep on living in your bubble :)
Frank *********
@Nan *********
You have no idea about the real Thailand which is the overwhelming majority of the female population

Your in a little “Richie Rich bubble”…

And your posts could affect many farangs thinking in a negative way…

If your so highly educated?

You should be bright enough to understand this..🙏
Frank *********
@Nan *********
it’s just flat not true teerak
Nan **********
@Frank ********
I’m not ur Teerak, and yes, it tends to be higher than 2 million thb
Marty *********
@Nan *********
My Thai wife’s cousin married a young Thai man. They work factory jobs in Bangkok. The sin sod was 50,000฿. The same ceremony and same place we were married in Sisaket province. The family keeps the money.

Yes it does vary from place to place and on the family circumstances.
Nan **********
@Marty ********
I don’t have friends who are working in the factory. Most of my friends own a factory or open companies
Jacky ************
@Nan *********
imagine have to listen to this every day and pay 2 million for that
Nan **********
@Jacky ***********
My family happily paid
Marty *********
@Nan *********
Then your assertions about 2 million baht dowries need to be put in context.
Frank *********
@Nan *********
This is also a lie

You obviously know very little about the real world thai people…

Just be careful what you post…

Because many will think you actually know when you don’t…

And it will scare the good farang…

Be more clear…

Say you are the 1% of the Thai population that is “high society”

And normal people will never relate to your situation or way of thinking…

Garunaa lae Kawp-khun ja 🙏
Chris *****
Thank you for sharing this viewpoint
@Nan *********
. Everyone’s life experiences are different. No right or wrong here. To each their own 🙏🏻😊
Chris ******
@Chris ****
She wrote this whilst sat in her Ferrari .🙃
Jantakan **************
Thx for sharing. I'm Chinese-Thai also, graduated from one of these six universities, working as a senior specialist now in a public company and have a foreigner boyfriend (Asian).

I'm just a normal middle-class in Thailand and my experiences are totally different from this. I never think that my education, working position or financial background will make me higher or better than other girls. Furthermore, I pay some money to my mom monthly to support the electricity bills, water bills, internet bills and maintenance fee even though she never ask anything from me and I also never ask for any money from her since I had graduated from the university.

I never expect the big money or assets just only from my boyfriend or future husband but we support each other instead. For example, If he pays for a meal, I will pay for tickets and popcorn for watching a movie in a cinema or pay him another meal, and for the house, one will pay down payment (around 40% - 50% of the price) and another one will pay monthly to the bank for the rest. Expecting for both working and sharing houseworks or housemaid but never expect for dowry and kids.

Anyway, I think there is no right or wrong in this matter. Just different thinking, mindset, lifestyle and experiences.
Steve *******
@Jantakan *************
thanks for sharing! Did you parents support you financially until you graduated from your university? Or did you have to work while studying?
Jantakan **************
@Steve ******
My mom supported me until I graduated from the university. After that I've been trying my best to support her back although she never ask anything from me.
Steve *******
@Jantakan *************
sounds like a great mom! Tell her I said hi 😁
Nan **********
@Jantakan *************
I didn’t say that people who graduated from these universities are superior to others. I was just sharing what’s important to Thai men, which may be different from what Western men value.
Kool *******
@Nan *********
you are talking from a hiso mentality. You say you'd never give your parents money because they are rich. Money isn't given out of an attitude of the parents needing the money. It is given out of a thank you attitude for raising them, whether the parents need the money, or not. You don't seem to have that attitude.
Nan **********
@Kool ******
I take care of my parents well, and I always travel with my parents. I am always with them when they go to hospital or travel abroad. I just don’t support them financially
Kool *******
@Nan *********
you are actually an exception to standard Thai culture, and not representative of Thailand as a whole.
Nan **********
@Kool ******
I never said that I represented that either.
Mark ********
Thank you for going to the effort of explaining things from your point of view. Very interesting and helpful. 🙏
Wanneeta **********
If your parents welthy enought, then no need to give them!

But; as a Thai it nice to spending sometims show your love and respect!.It sad that nowaday kids aren't carrying on with traditions!. As for dowry! It seems they salesing the doughters!But it NOT!. That money acturly sit in the found incase theirs doughters come home and need found to start life forwards!It depending that man can afford or not!.If not then that man need to get it together!
Nan **********
@Wanneeta *********
I take care of my parents well, but not in financial. My parents are MUCH richer than me
Wanneeta **********
Marty *********
This is mildly interesting with regards to what a Thai male is interested in with regards to Thai women. As a westerner, intelligence is a plus but a university education is not the only marker of intelligence. Get to know her first. Career aspirations may or may not be interesting but if a westerner is wealthy enough then that may matter less. Introvert/extrovert is about personality and that is a factor in relationships no matter where you are from. Again . . . get to know her first.

Sin sod - there is a sharp divide among foreigners about this. My take on sin sod is to look at the costs of marriage holistically. Son sod is just a line item. If the wedding is what you both want and can afford then go for it.

I’m going to assume from your comments that you are not considering age gap relationships.
Henry *********
Has Tod Daniels left the group? Surely this post has nothing to do with visas?
Matt ******
Paying a dowry is the same as purchasing someones daughter.. Its fucking wrong and barbaric.
Mark ********
@Matt *****
I agree but unfortunately it's their culture.
Sven ********
@Matt *****
my Thai lady feels the same way about it. No dowry needed and family do not want it. They only want that i treat her good and be a good husband for her.
Jay ********
Hi nan can you develop the introvert extrovert part please.
Franky ******
It will turn green , but not into a flag .
Peter ********
A boss of mine years ago always said “only read the last sentence. That’s where the real message is”. In this case “pay at least 2 million baht”. 5555555555
Daniel *****
I personally have no interest in pretentious wannabe Hi-So Chinese Thai women that look like they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. It's also of little importance to me if my girl attended university let alone which one. Sounds like this person has led a very insulated and superficial life to believe these are traits that any real men are looking for.
Daniel *****
@Peter *******
are you buying a virgin?
Steven ***************
@Peter *******
. Probably explains why she lives alone in a big house with her dog.. doesn't need a man.. daddy takes care of it all. If she" doesn't see the need" to help her own family.. God help her potential future husband and children..
Nan **********
@Steven **************
2 million thb is what my family paid to my brother’s wife, and it is considered a small amount of money
Steven ***************
@Nan *********
. Small amount in YOUR world.. for most thais its a lot of money. Sounds like you have had a very priveleged life. Lucky you.
Jon *****
This is hilarious: 😂 🤣
Eileen ***********
What’s wrong with western universities?
Nan **********
@Eileen **********
my male friends love them
Eileen ***********
@Nan *********
oh. Green flag. Not red. Ok
Sally *******
Wow, just wow. Insight into how men think. It's scary.
Mark ********
@Sally ******
SOME men 😉
Tim *******
Uchiha ***********
Education and career are often valued in many cultures, not just Thai culture. However, it's best to avoid making broad generalizations about what all Thai people value in relationships.

The emphasis on specific universities could promote elitism. A person's character, values and compatibility are generally more important for lasting relationships than their alma mater.

Financial dynamics in relationships are complex and personal. While some families have certain expectations, it's unwise to assume all Thai relationships follow the same patterns. Open communication between partners about finances is key.

The practice of dowry varies between families and individuals. Not all Thai marriages involve dowry, and the amount can differ greatly when it is practiced.

It's advisable to get to know individuals as unique people rather than making assumptions based on cultural stereotypes. Every relationship is different.

For those interested in intercultural relationships, it's beneficial to learn about cultural norms while remaining open-minded and respectful of individual differences.

Ultimately, mutual understanding, respect, and shared values are crucial for any healthy relationship, regardless of cultural background.
Steven ***************
@Uchiha **********
. Beautifully said! I wish I had your eloquence with words.. Us Australians are known to be blunt and straight to the point.. ;-)

A compromise I had to make to successfully navigate thai culture which is the opposite of mine.
Steven ***************
I just find it interesting that someone who has had virtually everything paid for in life ,including their future security,by their father, eg education,house, car has the audacity to give advice to western men on how to date thai women based on what non western men have told you. You are clearly in the elite category of thais.

Most thai ladies from privileged families, such as yourself ,wouldn't date western men unless they were wealthy too and with consent from family.

Compromise is essential for a successful western/thai marriage. If one isn't prepared to accept the difference in cultures and meet half way ,it normally ends in tears..

My wife is Thai. Masters from Chula. Paid her own way. Now a CFO of a multinational accounting firm with a western corporate salary to match living in Thailand Married 7 years now happily. Refused a dowry. Still supports family members when needed.

All she asks from me is to love her, protect her and make her laugh and smile.
Alma ***************
Nan **********
@Steven **************
I didn’t give any advice to Farang. What I said comes from conversations with my male friends. That’s all.
Steven ***************
@Nan *********
. Ok.. then why are you posting in a group specifically created for foreigners seeking visa help to live in Thailand, 90% male membership ??

Last time I checked... thais didn't need visas or visa advice to live in Thailand..

Read the first paragraph of your post again. And you said your thai male friends.

Thai ladies wishing to date "farangs" also need to learn what we seek too. It's not a one way street.
Nan **********
@Steven **************
I don’t date Farang btw. I just want to know the feedback. That’s it
Steven ***************
@Nan *********
. Doesn't surprise me at all. You just proved my example that elite thai ladies rarely date outside their own "class". Those that have found real love.

This isn't a criticism of you at all. It's very common in most cultures worldwide. I'd take care of my children the same way but I wasn't born into wealth . I took care of my family before myself. When I married , my family insisted that my wife andany children now comes first. That's our western culture.
Nan **********
@Steven **************
I can marry Farang who is much poorer than me as well.
Yuv *****
99% expats here are saxpats. They meet girls in bars, and the girls they meet don't go to university. And University educated gals don't fall for farang men, they already have a lot of options in the Thai society. 99% women will marry into their culture and country ONLY. The remaining have some issues or another (like bar girl profession) who hav to marry faran
Harris **********
@Yuv ****
Please tell me the drug's your on because you are delusional and I want some of that shit 😅🤣😂🤪🤩
Christopher *************
@Yuv ****
ridiculous figure 99 percent , complete rubbish
Alessandro **********
@Yuv ****
total bs. Universities are full of gold diggers. How do you think they pay their tuition fees.
Nan **********
@Alessandro *********
My family paid all tuition fees
Alessandro **********
@Nan *********
I was not talking about you. I just said universities are full of gold diggers. Don't say it's not true.
Yuv *****
@Nan *********
these are the sort of farangs who spend 30$ a day in Thailand and think they bought the country. The problem is that Thailand has been far too lenient and accepting. No one wants them back home and they come here to dictate terms to the Thai. They think Thailand are poor and can't even afford food and shelter
Alessandro **********
@Yuv ****
sorry to burst your bubble but I actually spend far more than 30 dollars a day. I own business too and it happens to be quite successful. I stay in Thailand because I can. Does this hurt your boot? Your problem.
Yuv *****
@Alessandro *********
go back home kiddo. If you had some money, you wud be enjoying the South of France and Monaco. Not South of Pattaya and phuket. Only cheap mongers and cheap Charlie's come to Thailand coz they can't afford a holiday back home, and then look for girls in Universities coz no girl wants them back home. Know ur worth before you speak chepo. Ur the kind of folks that eat 40baht meals on the street and come online to complain about University girls.
Nan **********
@Yuv ****
I don’t like the south of France btw. I have been to France since I was 7. I prefer the north of France.
Alessandro **********
@Yuv ****
I go where I want and there's nothing you can do about. Gbye retard
Nan **********
@Alessandro *********
I disagree. Most women from top universities in Thailand are well-educated. While some might be gold diggers, the majority are not. Their families often have to pay extra for education to help them pass the difficult entrance exams.
Nan **********
@Yuv ****
My dog’s life is better than those Farang btw
Rancy *******
@Yuv ****
And of course you not ! You're very educated that's why you've got the shot! 555
Brian *********
he sounds desperate
Yuv *****
@Rancy ******
what logic is that? 😂 It's illogical people like you who flood Thailand coz no one wants you back home, for a very good reason.
Rancy *******
OMG heavy side effects!
Pabs ********
Randy ******
Lady, the reason we all expats want to retire in Thailand is to indeed marry Thai women… for one night only where we pick her up in Nana or Soi 6 in Pattaya….
Mark ********
@Randy *****
You come all the way to Thailand to do that? Youre the sort that give us good farang a bad name. Cheers. ( and dont class me in "we all expats".)
Randy ******
@Mark *******
Excuuuse me.. Guess you retired in Thailand for the culture and weather
Mark ********
@Randy *****
The weather..and I'm married to a Thai woman.
Chan *********
Im dating one for 7 years now and she graduated from a university in phuket
Randy ******
@Chan ********
so she was in middle school when you met?
Chan *********
@Randy *****
nah she graduated years ago. We are both in our 30s
Ross *******
Great questions for serious relationship vetting. Education. Family. Career. Relationship with Father. For some people that is. Meet the parents and the family - or not

For some its absolutely not important.
Gordon *******
My wife is Chinese Thai , from southern Thailand , paid a dowry but was given back to us at the end of the night , all money in envelopes from guests too , I wasn’t expecting the dowry back & gave my in-laws 2ooK back as a thank you , my wife has a degree from university which she got a government loan to put herself through Uni , we don’t give her parents money but between her & her 2 sisters we pay the household bills.
Jimmy ******
Your info is 100% spot on, however it mainly applies to girls who have attended those universities. I’ve dated CU, TU, KU girls, and you’re absolutely right. Although most of those girls tend to prefer a Thai/Chinese guy rather than a farang. So for all those hi-so & well educated girls, this applies 100% from my experience. But most farangs will not come across these girls as they hang out in different places; and more importantly they require the guy ti be charming, smart, to be well groomed, dress good etc and some patience. Having said that, the working class girls from outside of bkk are more feminine & traditional, and really know how to take care of their man. So that’s probably why most farangs prefer those.
David **********
You don't need to support your family because they are well off. Most thais do have to support their extended family. Your experience is not typical of most thai people.
David **********
My wife is Chinese Thai also from the south. No dowry she is university educated. One does not buy a wife in western culture but looks after her well. I am Buddhist as well as my wife but I do not automatically let thai culture always dominate over my own.
David **********
The average thai has 9 years of schooling. Very few go to university. This is a window into elite privileged thai lifestyles.
Gift **********
@David *********
Normal thai family graduated Bachelor degree. University Education is not elite privileged. It's normal.

But yes, still a lot of families cannot reach that part.
Jon *****
@Gift *********
In 2021, only 17% of the Thai population hold a bachelor's degree or higher.
Gift **********
@Jon ****
Gary ******
@Nan *********
Could you say more about the question of whether she’s an introvert or an extrovert? How would a Thai man or woman tend to view this? You mention this as an important question for Thai men, I would like to understand more about this.
Nan **********
@Gary *****
My friend said that being an introvert while dating an extroverted woman drained his energy
Duncanc **********
@Nan *********
it’s also true in reverse

Making conversation with introverts is tedious
Gary ******
@Nan *********
I can relate to that. Thank you.
Neil ******
So aside from dowry, no different from most other cultures. It’s nice of you to try and educate these people, but most of them aren’t going to ever even meet a woman who graduated from Chula. And if they did, they are most likely not good enough for her. I’ve yet to meet a farang in Thailand during all the years I’ve been here who supports the family with a Thai woman who went to a top university and has a good career. I’m sure there are a few, but it’s certainly an outlier.
Jimmy ******
@Neil *****
agreed 100%
Patrick **********
i just married this year official in amphur

me did not have pay dowry and did not have make a party

butt what i did

is make a house buy a car and now start open next year a bar
@elephant *****************
in surin

its currently off for renovation

so yeah now my wife and childeren have a good life

it all depends on the people how much money they have and are they want to spend 2MB just for dowry(for me personly its loss of money )

butt hey some people have millions to spend some people only between 1-6MB
Stephen ********
@Patrick *********
where in Surin will your bar be??
Patrick **********
@Stephen *******
@Hnamtey *******************
this was the old name from the owner before
Stephen ********
@Patrick *********
ok cheers i know where the transport office is. I thought it might have been one of the bars near Thong Tarin hotel
David **********
@Patrick *********
good luck.... every westerner seems to want to open a bar here and very very few of them ever succeed.
Patrick **********
@David *********
yep correct only its not like a fancy and all the bling bling on it

just standard just for local people dont need getting rich from it just to keep our self little busy😉
Roel *********
My wife was Chinese Thai, well educated ( school director) and never asked me money for herself or her family. Her family also was self supporting with their own businesses.Not came from Isaan, not smoked and not had tattoos know enough 🙂
Nan **********
@Roel ********
thank u for sharing. I never asked ur information. And yes, it’s enough . I don’t want to know more
Roel *********
@Nan *********
you dont need to know more.... it's all about the background 🙂
Marc ********
@Roel ********
But nobody was asking for your information either😅
Brian *********
Clearly never been to Thailand
Steve *******
@Brian ********
clearly didn't read even half the post before commenting 😑
Frank *********
@Brian ********
is exactly what I thought 555
Nan **********
@Frank ********
I’m Thai, born and raised here.
Frank *********
@Nan *********
Then it makes it even more sad that you no know about “ normal” Thai ways…

Not trying be mean

But someone that knows such as me needs say something

Before too many farang get shocked my your comments….

I’m just looking out for my people 🙏
Nan **********
@Frank ********
This is normal in my experiences
Frank *********
@Nan *********
And just one more thing I want to clear up for any farang that might read this thread…

When Thai guy marry Thai girl?

There is no dowry…

Learn about Thai culture folks and do yourself a favor 🙏🙏
Frank *********
@Nan *********
Then please try to explain this better in post…

Because it can be very misleading to most all the farang that come Thailand and will never be around a “ well to do” Thai family…

Because there is a very big difference between wealthy and normal Thai families…

If your born and raise here?

Then you should know I’m saying truth…

Is all I’m trying say

Pom yaak Bpen su-phaap… 🙏
Nan **********
@Frank ********
I’ve never attended the wedding of a working-class family or bar girls.
Frank *********
@Nan *********
I understand this

But if your Thai born and raised?

This is an unacceptable excuse…

As your should know all about all walks of Thai people and culture…
Nan **********
@Frank ********
I’ve attended more than 100 wedding ceremonies, but I have never attended one for a working-class family. That’s all.
Nan **********
@Brian ********
I shared what my male friends think, and how my family treats with each other. I don’t see the problem in that
Nan **********
@Brian ********
I’m Thai, born and raised here
Brian *********
I don’t care who you shared with it’s pathetic to tell people how to behave - it’s shameful and wrong - I just hate people like you who think you have some right to tell people how to behave / let me tell you you don’t behave like a prick telling people how to behave. Now grow up you have god complex
Nan **********
@Brian ********
I didn’t tell or force anyone to behave. Find the words of sentence that I force anyone to do. You can’t find it. It comes from ur negative thoughts
Us *****
@Brian ********
she is Thai, I am sure she has been to Thailand. But she's the 0.
001% of Thai girls that have daddy provide for everything. Yes, she lives in a bubble that daddy provided for her. But, I honestly don't believe she has been to the "REAL" Thailand.
Adnan *******
Women expect a man to spend 💰 on her, her family, buy her family gifts and pay dowry all in exchange of 1 hole.

Nothing more miserable for a man to pay money to a womens family in order to marry her.

A man's duty is taking care of his wife and the children . Nothing more than that.
Tommi *******
@Adnan ******
3 holes is a must
Adnan *******
Nan **********
@Adnan ******
That’s what I said
Jason ******
Interesting info! That dowry of 2 milllion is it just for show and your family gonna return it after the wedding or do they just keep it?
Chris *********************
@Jason *****
a good family returns it like mine did 14 years ago, don't believe what holiday makers that's been to Thailand for 2 weeks a year say or what they hear
Steven ***************
@Jason *****
. Basics of how it works in Thai culture

If bride to be is young, very beautiful, no prior children or marriage, educated and from a wealthy family expect an asking price of 2 million plus and dowry normally returned or gited to newlyweds to help build their future together.

If older , kids already ,average looks , lower class family etc expect a low or no asking price. But don't expect any dowry to be returned and expect requests for future "help " forever.
Kim *********
@Steven **************
last paragraph not true for me. Absolutely no requests for help at all since our marriage 5 years ago. Don't generalize. This is in Isaan in a small village.
Steven ***************
@Kim ********
. That's why I said " basics" and "expect". Wasn't true for me either. The woman who posted this is claiming 2 million baht as the norm in her circles.

My mother in law requested 1 million but my wife refused and said no dowry. I could understand why seeing her mother abandoned her and her 2 younger siblings when she was 8 yrs old leaving her father to raise them. She resurfaced when the father passed away 2 years before we married. Of course there are exceptions.

I have a cousin who married issan girl. 400k dowry. Return was promised, still waiting 10 yrs later, occasional requests for "help" still coming though. Built them a new house on top.
Kim *********
@Steven **************
thank you 👍😊
Chris *********************
Juls ******
@Jason *****
yes. A "face" thing.
Nan **********
@Jason *****
My family paid, and my brother’s wife asked whether they wanted the money returned. My family happily said no
Jason ******
@Nan *********
what a kind gesture from the wife’s family! I secretly hope that the wife’s family gave it to the newlyweds though😄
John *******
Curious, are you in a relationship?
Felipe *****
Agreed that is the Asian norm for the legitimate family, where the father will provide everything for the family.
Nan **********
@John ******
it’s not important 😂
John *******
@Nan *********
but it is, If you are trying to give relationship advice
Christopher *************
@John ******
she's gay lol
Nan **********
Christopher *************
@Nan *********
Nan **********
@John ******
It is not. I just shared my family’s norms and values. I’ve found that many Westerners struggle with dating Thai women. I didn’t give them any advice at all
John *******
@Nan *********
I disagree - maybe you can’t find love, so you are setting up others to fail too.
Arnold *****
@John ******
if it really helps you, I know them and they are.
Nan **********
@John ******
How will my advice make others fail? 😂
Us *****
Listen, 99% of these expats will meet a girl at a bar. So you can tell them to throw your questiona away. Nevertheless, they should ask these questions as a guide to find the perfect girl for them. 1. Where is your hometown? 2. Do you have any kids? 3. Do you like western food? I'm Chinese American and I always pay for everything. The answers to these questions along with her looks will guide the farang to the perfect Thai girl.
Umair *******
@Us ****
after her post, they will now start going to universities instead of bar
Chris *********************
@Umair ******
bollocks 😄
Nan **********
@Us ****
I think expats should ask these questions as well. Idk
Us *****
@Nan *********
listen, you're from a privileged background so you do not have to support your family. Tragically, many girls are from poor families. They HAVE to support their family. Therefore, if a farang marry one of these girls, they will have to support her family. I honestly don't care if a girl has an education or a career. All she has to do is be loyal, beautiful, and caring.
Ivan ***********
Luckily, not all men are this unambitious and superficial. I for one rather prefer a girlfriend to be very well educated and successful.
Chris *********************
@Ivan **********
yes we all do but so.e people come to Thailand and get drawn in by the bar girls and riped off ,
Nan **********
@Us ****
But Farangs are afraid of dating gold diggers. Why not try asking these questions? 😂
Chris *********************
@Nan *********
after been ripped off a few times they will learn, not to trust a bar girl ,
Us *****
@Nan *********
who told you these farangs are afraid to date gold diggers? We are not stupid, a girl half our age doesn't like us for our personality. They just want a better life. These farangs are all taking advantage of all these girls because they know they can provide them a better life. Also, they don't need to ask these questions. They already know the answers when they see a girl they like at a bar or Go Go.
Michael ********
My wife is thai chinese heritage but supports her parents. Dowry was paid and given straight back after ceremony though.
Chris *********************
@Michael *******
same as me pal ,dowry is a show thing now unless you drop on wrong family, 14 year ago I got married, mam give me all dowry back ,and we split card money, couldn't do with out mam in law,
Nan **********
@Michael *******
I don’t have a reason to support my parents, but it’s different from family to family
Kool *******
@Nan *********
one simple question, and my wife is Chinese/Thai, why aren't you married?
Nan **********
@Kool ******
too soon
Kool *******
@Nan *********
what do you mean too soon? You look to be over 30 years old. Maybe too late rather than too soon.
Jason *****
@Kool ******
Uhh, I'm 38, am I too late =(? No experience dating in Canada lol, I've been shut out of the market. Standards are rough here...
Nan **********
@Kool ******
I’m not ready. 😑and it’s none of ur business
Peter **********
Would never pay a dowry

Age difference is a big thing , anything more than 15 years will cause problems later

Always have supported my wife and her adult children , pay all the household bills and any renovations

Mother in Law is a widow and a truly wonderfull , lovely Lady

Have never got involved in extended families issues or financials
Kool *******
@Nan *********
you mention what Thai men look for, but you don't list everything. Education isn't the only thing of concern. Age also is of great concern, especially if the girl is over 30 years old. They wonder what is wrong if she hasn't married yet, and the amount of sin sot is also based on age, not just education. A girl over 30 would be lucky to have sin sot negotiated at an amount over bt500,000. At 22-28 years old maybe bt2million as you mention, but not when they're over 30 years old. I've been to Thai weddings where the sin sot was bt20million, with 20 baht in gold, and I've been to weddings where bt300,000 was borrowed, and no gold just for appearances. In many cases age had a big factor in how much sin sot was negotiated.
Nan **********
@Kool ******
That’s not true about having less Sin Sod if they’re above 30. My friend just got married at the beginning of this year at age 36, and his Sin Sod was 6 million THB.
Kool *******
@Nan *********
I'm talking about females, not males. The same age concerns don't apply to males in Thai culture concerning sin sot amounts. It's only based on the female.
Nan **********
@Kool ******
I was referring to my female friend who just got married at the age of 36 at the beginning of this year, in February to be exact. She married a man who is 4 years younger than her. Similarly, my brother married his wife when she was 38 years old, and she is also 4 years older than my brother
Kool *******
@Nan *********
be realistic, and state how much more the sin sot would have been if the females were under 30 years old, as age has a big factor in sin sot negotiations. As a Thai you should know this.
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