introvert vs extrovert

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This page displays all the results for the introvert vs extrovert tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 1 questions that have been tagged with introvert vs extrovert. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Aug 29, 2024
5 months ago
Nan **********
I’m not sure if this post will help you with dating Thai women or not, but I want to share what Thais value

I want to share how my friends, who are Thai men, ask women when they want to date Thai women.

The important question they usually ask is what university the woman graduated from. It’s a green flag if she graduated from:

1. Chulalongkorn University

2. Mahidol University

3. Thammasat University

4. Kasetsart University

5. ABAC (Assumption University)

6. Any European or Western universities

The second most important question is about her career.

The third question is about her lifestyle and whether she’s an introvert or extrovert.

I’ve found that a common question is whether Thai men need to support their girlfriends financially. First, I’m Chinese-Thai with no Western ancestry. I can say that my father has always supported my mother and his children (my brother and me), financially. However, he has never once paid anything to my grandparents (my mother’s parents). My father bought his children and his wife everything in life including cars and houses, but never bought anything to my mother’s parents. My brother treats his wife the same way.

Do I need to pay anything to my family? No, I’ve never paid anything to my family at all. I once gave my mother 200,000 THB for her birthday, but that was only one time, and only for one birthday. My family has always paid for everything in my life. Would I be a good daughter if I supported my family financially? Yes, but I don’t see the point in financially supporting my mother and father

Another common question is about the amount of dowry, and I know many of you don’t like it. In my family, we all pay at least 2 million THB to the woman’s family.
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