What are the non-monetary benefits of a Thai lady marrying a British man in Thailand?

Sep 30, 2024
16 days ago
Matt *********
What benefit would it be for a Thai lady to marry a British man in Thailand? Excluding money
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion explores various perspectives on why a Thai woman might choose to marry a British man in Thailand, excluding financial motivations. Responses range from mentions of love and commitment to concerns about cultural differences and the implications of marrying a foreigner. Some comments highlight positive views on relationships that transcend monetary considerations, while others question the sincerity of such unions, suggesting motives may still lean heavily toward obtaining a better lifestyle or social status.
David ********
What is the point of asking a question about marrying a Thai woman in Thailand and then add "excluding money"? The benefit for a Thai woman is all about money because it brings security and social status. No point asking the question if you exclude money from the answer.
Larry *********
Andy **********
To marry in the UK would require a fiance visa, which is expensive, and might not be granted.
Jeff *******
Bill - not sure how long it has been since you have been to the U.S.. She can come through Mexico and walk right in and get amazing benefits, compliments of our left wing, useless government. She'll also get a cash card with 350 dollars a week deposited onto it, free medical care, a free place to live, almost immediate Citizenship so she can vote Democrat for President, a instant work permit (if she wants to work), full rights of U.S. citizenship and much more. She can even change her identity to ANY sex, country of origin - everything about her can be changed legally and FREE! Kamala Harris will even arrange a sex change operation for her, compliments of the the U.S. taxpayers.
Markie ******
@Jeff ******
absolutely wonderful to see delusional people on here.
Jeff *******
He says, sipping his orange juice through a paper straw to save the world.....
Bill *********
I’m American and married a Thai woman this past Tuesday Oct 8 . Will take a year to get her to U. S. . Not gonna live in Thailand.
Mdl *****
@Bill ********
do you watch much youtube
Bill *********
@Mdl ****
Yes why ?
Jay ******
A foreigner is also looking for a benefit, otherwise why bother.
Frank **********
Dental work.
Thomas ******
Nothing 😂 They marry foreigners to get a better life and there is nothing wrong with that
Mdl *****
Most respectable Thai ladies have absolutely no interest in Farang !
Ian *********
stay single if u got any sense u not need a wife to stay in thailand long time
Randy ******
@Ian ********
nobody needs a wife! Get temporary one for cleaning. One for cooking. And one for …. It is all CHEAP in Thailand!
Mdl *****
It's probably not something you need in your life right now , I can tell you lots of stories
Steve ******
Why buy when you can rent! You’ll only end up having to get them a tractor and god knows what else!
Randy ******
I once was asked to buy a woman a BUFFALO for her family since the previous buffalo passed away. Then I remembered my old man saying: Don’t have to buy a whole cow for a class of milk. RIP, Old man. Vietnam HERO!!
David *******
@Steve *****
Why buy a book 📚 when you can join the library 🥳
Ian ********
A big johnsen
Tommi ********
Roger **********
It’s never excluding money .. 💰
Sam ******
Probably a toss up between the outstanding natural beauty of the Cotswolds, & Spotted black dick
Neville ********
To marry in front of her family and friends not a hard question
Peter *********
Pete **********
There's no benefit to the man that is certain
Greta *****
I think you mean "What incentive would it be for a Thai woman to marry a British guy?" I guess you won't have any benefits from that transaction?
Greta *****
What benefit would a British guy have when marrying a Thai lady?
Leo **********
@Greta ****
what benefits would a British guy have marrying a British lady?
David *******
@Leo *********
Well he would , em , er he would benefit by , hmmm , 🤔. Fair point. None that I can think off...
Bill *********
Is a crumpet a grouchy brit
Drake ********
Isnt this for you to answer? What is it that you have to offer?
EB ****
He can help her with gardening and take a buffaloes to the doctor when they get sick
Mike **********
You said it

John **********
I'm married to a Thai , and it's been great 👍Don't listen to.all the negative because most of these guys went after the bargirls

My wife choose to be with a westerner because of abuse by Thai men in her past and found western men , for the most part , treated and respected her much better

As far as our relationship ,when she landed in Canada she started searching for employment and landed an amazing career even before she received a SIN number ( you need one to work here ) .

She hated the idea that I was supporting her so she asked me to drive her to the interview and she was hired the same day and started working , she's making more than I am, which was totally unexpected and you can see how happy she is . She doesn't ask me for money at all , she's self sufficient

We were actually going to move back to Thailand this winter but she wants to further her new career and has applied to go back to school and get a higher certification so she made even more money 💰

This may not be the norm for most but so far I have zero complaints and it's good to see how successful she has been and it's only going to get better as her income climbs after finishing her upgrades..she'll be pushing 6 figures

If we ever divorced I could go after her for support 😆 as she will be making alot more than me in the future ... jk
Randy ******
@John *********
Congrats, dude. Good to hear something good coming from Canada . It used to be a great country… until Justine opened the gates for the Hindus. Now , it looks and smells like Delhi
John **********
@Randy *****
yes , you'd be right . It's an absolute mess and just wish he'd step down His party is going to lose most of their seats when the election comes
Manny *******
Personally I wouldn’t marry someone if you have money .
Morris *****
The questions people ask in this group always kill me 💀
Manny *******
Chance to get out of Thailand . Giving her kids better opportunities.
Nicholas **********
Gordon *******
If you want to get rid of your money do it
Robert *****
Wild guess. Maybe getting a visa to the uk would be easier if your married. (?)
Mohsin ********
If a man is young I think he should marry a Russian girl or at least a Eastern European or if he knows the game Latino

If he's old get a Thai girl 😂
Brian *********
Russian are all princesses and will cost you millions trust me this is true. And they will

Always have a reserve
Mohsin ********
@Brian ********
when you used the trust word everything has been changed
Michael *******
Am just about to marry one👍😂
Mdl *****
@Michael ******
when are you building her a house?which you will never own , good luck there
Michael *******
@Mdl ****
already built and paid for! And living the dream 👍😉
Mdl *****
@Michael ******
but you don't own it, nor the land it stands upon
Michael *******
Michael *******
Ive have long-term leasehold on the land 30 years, with the ability to renew for another 30 years. I really not concerned. I am living a fantastic life here.and will probably gone in 20years. I really Dont care. I am enjoying my retirement! 👍😀
Kirill **********
@Michael ******
good Luck
Philip ********
Thai men tend to treat their Thai wives badly, wheras Farangs treat them much better!
Vijay *****
Man 40 yrs younger or 40 yrs older
Brian *********
Why ask this ? The benefit shouldn’t be a consideration in a marriage. And to label all Thai with wanting something is bordering on the racism. But you all laugh and joke because you think you are smarter.
Ivan *********
None she just wants money nothing else. If she wants to live in another country then she wants a passport visa and money .
Jason **********
Lots of reasons. Maybe she's got darker skin, is slightly over weight, or has kids from a previous relationship or has aged into her mid 30s. These things would make her less desirable to a thai man, but lots of foreigners don't care. Some thai women like foreigners for the hopes of a mixed child because they find colored eyes etc beautiful. Some thai women like that foreigners plan for the future more and will help push them to be independent. I could go on and on, but in the end besides money it's some cultural difference that they find appealing and are open to.
Greg *********
@Jason *********
yes. My girl is curvy and a lovely caramel color I find delightful. I see it as their loss, my gain.
Lenny ******
Thai fish soup 🍲
Neale *********
Loads for the woman. None for the man. Simple as that.
Nick *******
Locked in sponsor. Simple as that.
Frank **********
Joe ******
Fish and chips
Rachel ********
Is this a trick question?
Fasih *******
Paul *************
******The name****!!!

it seems that when they come a certain age if they have not married then its looked on as a bad thing, that no one would want them! But it'd be very very rare to find a lady who wants to marry just for the love and no financial game.... In fact I got married this year to my wife who knew after my accident my job was a semi retiring role that did not pay a lot she stopped showing love as in June this year with the stress and trying to get her here I had a severe heart attack, after laying money out two times already And she failed again I couldn't send her money as not making any just SSP she doesn't even put kisses on her messages anymore, offered me my freedom back as she put it (divorce ) our friends tell me they think she thought I was hiding the fact that I had no money and when she married me I was obliged to give it to her & the family when she realised I don't after sending her my company letter saying that I'm not getting a wage it all changed so if you are considering getting married, I hope you realise that she truly loves you, and proves it before you commit yourself, I am sure I read there is some nice thai ladies who do support their husbands on here but I think they are very rare to find
Sam ***********
@Paul ************
I agree. Finding non-needy Thai lady is rare. It seems like love stops when money stops flowing.
Paul *************
@Sam **********
yes one of my wife's friends said that they have a saying no money no honey !
David *******
@Paul ************
Works both ways, no honey loads a money ...
Nico *********
Free beer
Chris *******
Kdog **********
Saves her from getting a black eye of her Thai boyfriend
David *******
The american weaner is too small
Bill ********
@David ******
close your mouth!
Oliver ********
Cash / gifts from the wedding guests.
Jonathan *******
Why does anyone get married?
John ****************
Sly *******
Ben ***********
He won't beat her up every night, for making his Som Tam wrong.
Huỳnh *******************
Also depending on where she grew up, in good environments in Thailand or …..? If yes then just love

If no then definitely he will bring her out from her certain situations because mostly foreigners can not / don’t want to stay in very local area …..

Likewise without love , everything will relate more or less / direct / indirect

to money / better life ….
Sheen ************
And out come the usual morons
Nicholas **********
Ed ********
she can get to the UK, Dump him and earn a fortune in a dodgy massage parlour.
Lynnette *******
Maybe they love each other? What "benefit" does anyone have in marrying a Brit? Answers on a five pound note.
Randy ******
Thai men are small
Haris ******
@Randy *****
and how do you know that 🤔😂
Randy ******
@Haris *****
Their women told me so?
Robert *********
Disappointed that there is no query about the bus timetable to Pattaya and how many visa runs one can do. How I miss the good old days of Thai visa advice.
Markie ******
@Robert ********
you forgot about the ferry
Robert *********
@Markie *****
yes that one comes up a fair bit too. ‘How can I get a new passport/visa/ divorce from my wife’ ?
Nicky ********
Ricky ********
Yokrshire pud
James ************
Love and respect. Lots of thai men aren't very good to their ladies. Older foreigners are more likely to be good to them.
Stuart ***********
In a country where many foreigners are here to have sex with a lot of different Thai women, being married shows your commitment to her (and her family).
Uwe ****
Why would anyone marry a Thai person who is non-Thai? Thailand has the highest cheating culture in the world... their culture is a facade of nice people... when you get close to them you realize they really don't care... we know that as farangs don't we?
Mdl *****
Stuart ***********
@Uwe ***
I did not say anything about marrying a person that is non-Thai.

I think if farang meet Thai people that are only interested in money, then yes I agree they will not care, but are you seriously saying every single person in Thailand can't be trusted.

There will be a lot of people that agree with you here (they probably live in Pattaya or Patong), but I don't.
Mdl *****
@Stuart **********
where do you live , Isan 🤣🤣🤣
Stuart ***********
@Mdl ****
no. Where do you live Pattaya 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mdl *****
@Stuart **********
never been 🤯
David *********
@Stuart **********
but you can still have a gik on the side or even a mia noi
Stuart ***********
@David ********
I think even that is a bit more risky if you are married. I dont know if it's true but I think the wife can sue you if you have a mistress.
Martino *******
She can steal from your joint bank account and your things, good look SUING HER! I heard many stories about western "husbands" getting up and they didn't find their car/motorbikes/money, and the wife...gone! 🤣
Si *******
@Martino ******
It can happen and does,

But many times doesn’t
Mdl *****
@Si ******
more often happens than doesn't, just become another sponsor 🤣
Martino *******
@Mdl ****
especially if the girl is decent looking, quite young, know decent english and looks very approchable...but many men are naive😅
Martino *******
@Si ******
depends, if you get a bargirl the risk is high
Si *******
@Martino ******
Only a fool would marry a bargirl.
Martino *******
@Si ******
unfortunately many do
Nigel *********
@Martino ******
you need to cut down on your Daily Mail
Mdl *****
@Nigel ********
there are millions of stories, you need to open your eyes
Martino *******
@Nigel ********
i don't read any of these journals, these things happen, especially if you are naive.
Mdl *****
@Martino ******
Nigel reads fake news and now can't handle the truth
Martino *******
@Mdl ****
this people will understand when it will happen to them 😂
Mdl *****
@Martino ******
yep, sooner or later
Leo **********
People usually marry because they love each other. Doesn’t matter where.

If marrying just for money then it’s doomed from the start.

Me and my partner were talking about doing it eventually even tho she knows how skint I am lmao.

Not all relationships are for personal gain.
Ruth *******
@Leo *********
well, that’s just bs.
Philippe *************
@Ruth ******
i hope god help you
Leo **********
@Ruth ******
then what’s it for then? Enlighten us.
Ruth *******
@Leo *********
sorry. I actually replied to Hanzala. I didn’t notice that fb tagged you. I was saying his comment (that marriages for love result in the most divorces) was bs. I’m actually in agreement with you.
Hanzala ***
@Ruth ******
yeah but you have Pink hair,
Ruth *******
@Hanzala **
Do you know how many times a week someone comments on my hair? You’re not particularly original. Why would you think I would care what someone who looks like you thinks of my hair? For that matter, I honestly don’t care what anyone thinks. That’s kind of the point. If you talk to anyone with unnatural colors, you’ll find that all of them color their hair for themselves, not to please anyone else.

Oh, and just for the record, my hair is purple. Learn your colors.
Hanzala ***
@Ruth ******
Honestly, it seems like people who dye their hair these unnatural colors are trying too hard to stand out, because they're unhappy with something about themselves. It is a way to mask insecurity rather than true self-expression. Instead of dealing with those issues, they're using bright colors to distract or deflect attention from what’s really going on inside. I genuinely hope that people who go to such extremes can find peace and confidence without needing such drastic measures. No way in hell is it more attractive in any way possible, the women who tell you are just lying to you, bec that's what women do to other women, they'll tell the nasty fat woman who nobody wants that she looks good, pathetic.

So i feel sorry for you and hope you get the help you need, life is hard for everyone,

But you have no idea about the marriage, look at statistics,

Marriages based on exchange of value are always more successful, bs Hollywood movie induced love marriages are always unsuccessful. You obviously wouldn't know what I'm talking about, don't start a debate with me, unless you are well informed, i will absolutely destroy whatever self-esteem you may have left,

Wish you goodluck, hope you get the help you need Ruth
Bill ********
Ruth *******
@Hanzala **
hair color is no more extreme than clothing. 🤣🤣🤣

you have no idea what motivates another. Meanwhile, you need a woman to be financially dependent upon you in order for her to stay with you. That’s why the change in culture terrifies you so much. A woman would not be happy with you simply for who you are, so you need to keep women down in order for you to keep power over them. Pathetic.
Hanzala ***
@Ruth ******
lmao are you trying to attack Islam, what in the world are you even talking about,

I never have a woman to be dependent on me financially.

Really just Leave it Ruth i don't want to hurt your feelings, seriously, there are just too many things i could say about you, too many.

Hope you get the help, Love you (As a human), stay safe. 😅
Leo **********
@Ruth ******
oh okay my apologies
Ruth *******
@Leo *********
no need to apologize. It was my error.
Hanzala ***
@Leo *********
not, love is bs, marriages based on love are the most divorced.
Jonathan **********
Hanzala ***
Jay *****
Romantic, charming and maybe you are her prince charming
Andrew *********
British soul fragments are highly prized amongst Thai soul takers.

That could be why?
Michael **********
well, is thai lady a single mom of multiple kids?
Mdl *****
Matt *********
Michael **********
@Matt ********
that's the answer to your question 😉
Phirom *******
Language skills, cultural exchange

Each marriage is unique, and the specific benefits can vary greatly depending on the individuals involved and their circumstances.
Yhadnapa ***************
@Phirom ******
absolutely disagree on the language skills. i know someone who’s been married to a british dude for about 20 years, she didn’t learn english, her english is horrible while he learns thai and speaks thai now lol
Mdl *****
@Yhadnapa **************
yeah, it's just money , or a stepping stone to someone with more money
Phirom *******
@Yhadnapa **************
It's understandable to see this situation in two different lights. On one hand, it seems like she might have chosen not to prioritize learning English, which could be seen as missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect more deeply with her husband's culture. On the other hand, it's commendable that he has taken the initiative to learn Thai, which demonstrates his commitment to understanding and engaging with her world. Language learning can be challenging, and everyone approaches it differently based on their motivations and circumstances
Yhadnapa ***************
@Phirom ******
we do see things in different light, you’re seeing it in a positive way, and i’m seeing this in a negative way😂😂😂
Phirom *******
@Yhadnapa **************
You're right, we do have different perspectives! But I think life can be a lot more enjoyable when we try to find the bright side. It's all about balance, right? There's usually some good in every situation!
Nigel *********
@Phirom ******
fair play. You won that hands down.
Phirom *******
@Nigel ********
Love is what really matters, and if they make each other happy, that's what counts. There’s enough negativity out there.
Paul **********
Bigger dick!
Kenneth ***********
@Paul *********
They only let me put it half way in that is all they can take, they can’t take the whole anaconda ?
Evalynn *********
@Paul *********
The Napoleon complex isn't named after Genghis Khan. 1) Napoleon was average height for his time so it was never height they were talking about. 2) Khan fathered between 1k and 3k children. About 1 in 200 worldwide ahare genes from Khan.
Damien ********
@Evalynn ********
total 💩

Did you read that on YouTube ?

How would anyone know how many children he fathered .

history only records 4 sons and a few daughters that Genghis claimed as his children.
Rachel ********
@Paul *********
I've seen worse in England 😅
Paul **********
@Rachel *******
I’m sure you have!
Haris ******
@Paul *********
I see a lot of guys claiming this in comments I'm just confused how you all know that. Curiosity is a dangerous thing. You might find yourself holding a rainbow flag soon if you keep going like this 😂
Haris ******
@Paul *********
yeah right 😂
Brad **********
Love possibly 🤔
Mdl *****
@Brad *********
awww, you still under the spell 🤣🤣 good luck
Brad **********
@Mdl ****
yep, been together for 14yrs & married for 10!

It does actually happen champ 👍
Mdl *****
@Brad *********
I know it can , but not usually!
Yhadnapa ***************
if he’s going to be in thailand after getting married. the benefit would be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
James ******
People are leaving the uk in masses.
Christian ***********
@James *****
agreed. Im white British male born in UK.. And the country is literally being invaded by Muslim men by boats crossing from France daily. The new government are utterly stupid and reversed plans that would have slowed down the people fleeing here.
Si *******
@Yhadnapa **************
You seem to forget young lady,

Some foreigners are in their 20s , slim, hard working, educated.

We’re not born old and wrinkly.

But hey if you’re happy with mo cyc man,

Don’t let me stop you.
Yhadnapa ***************
@Si ******
man i don’t care about all that moving to other countries stuff, i’m just living my life in thailand. and what i said is what i heard🤦🏻‍♀️
Si *******
@Yhadnapa **************
If you have money Thailand is a great place to live,

If you don’t you are probably better off in the west.

Thousand of Thai people like to move to Europe etc for education also.
James ******
@Yhadnapa **************
uk is a shit hole that is massively over taxed, better of staying in Thailand
Christopher *************
Yhadnapa ***************
@James *****
well, some thais see otherwise, and as long as she doesn’t have to pay the tax, what’s the problem? 💁🏻‍♀️
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
so, she would go to UK and live off of the guy?

If he's making 60k euro a year now, they would be poor. That same 60k a year in Thailand is living a great life.

I'm lucky. I travel to America work there, come back to Thailand. And make great money. Live amazing in Thailand.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
well if he wanna get married so bad, he better has money for his wife and her kids????
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
some thais think otherwise because 20 years ago it was true. Making 100k dollars/euros in America/uk is poor now. And 99% of foreigners that move there make nowhere near that.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
yes. and that’s what i said. if the man is making the money, paying the taxes, what’s the problem here?
James ************
My girlfriend seems to be really happy with Me. We have no intention of moving to the USA. I told her there's less than a 1% chance of that happening. We live in a big beautiful house, and have a great life. If in America or UK, we would live in a smaller house, higher crime rates, shittier weather, less quality of life. Worse Healthcare. Horrible education system. I moved my kids here. Put them in an international school last year. They now speak 3 languages. And love life here.
Leo **********
@James ***********
same here. We are content where we are. Getting a cute little 2 bed house soon on the edge of a rice field with a lovely Mountain View. She just wants a simple life nothing lavish. Just me her and a dog lol.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
well your gf is probably one of the rare ones. and i’m happy for you. but i was just speaking of what i heard.

me, i love it here in thailand, my bf is british but i wouldn’t wanna live anywhere else either, traveling maybe but living nope.
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
very lucky. We have a good life here. Love it.
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
guess you don't understand the cost of living there? And whether he pays the taxes or she does, what's the difference? Still don't have that money right?

Crime is out of control. Drugs are out of control. Inflation is out of control. If that's a better life for you. I guess we have different views.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
omg are you seriously going over all these details? lol i don’t care about living in the uk or any western country. i’m speaking as a thai, who knows a lot of thai girls that’s dating foreigners just to go to another county because they think it’s better than here 🤦🏻‍♀️
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
I guess people will believe any old bullshit they hear. You have 10 guys from UK and America telling you it sucks. But you're so brainwashed, you don't care. So, enjoy. I'll preemptively say I told you so. They'll all learn quickly how shitty things are there.

The old American saying. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence....
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
like i said, i’m not brainwashed. i ain’t moving nowhere i’m staying in thailand 😂
James ************
For a few years in Alaska I dated a bunch of women, and almost every one had some horrible story about being r*ped, assaulted, or some other crazy abuse. Then I had 2 daughters. And didn't want them to ever experience that. Thailand is much safer.
Chloé *****
@James ***********
same as UK.. I have 3 daughters and what the uk was like when I was growing up was bad enough so I dread to think of the state of it there by the time they turn 18. I’d never go back to western life.
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
I read so many comments. I think I got some mixed up lol.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
yes 😂😂😂 i think you did tbh
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
they're all in for a major disappointment lol. Western countries suck.
James ******
@Yhadnapa **************
have you been to the uk recently
Yhadnapa ***************
@James *****
no and i would rather not. too many muslims for me.
Andy **********
@Yhadnapa **************
there are "hundreds" some days over a thousand people, entering the country illegally, Asylum Seekers/illegal immigrants, a lot are Muslims, arrive on the beaches everyday in boats, and the British government put them in hotels, and give them money every week to live on, and also house them, all paid for by the British tax payers, it's not as good as what thai people think.
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
there's no benefit of moving to western countries right now. Besides the fact that maybe an older foreigner could give her a better life, maybe he'd treat her better than most Thai men in her age range?
Samuel ********
@James ***********
We’re planning on moving to Australia in the next few months. After living here for two years, to be honest Australia is better.

Quality of life is higher, environment is better, better urban planning, healthcare is better, more career prospects, more multicultural and community. I can also open a business and earn citizenship.

Other than being lazy and everything being cheap. There’s not exactly anything to achieve in Thailand for the long term as people in our late twenties.
Pava ********
@Samuel *******
another stinking Kiwi hanging off the coat tail's of Australia!!!

Joking ofcourse 🙏🏻
James ************
@Samuel *******
Australia seems great. And people love what they love. I've always wanted to go to Australia. But the whole covid era and the camps there, and tyrannical bs then. I scratched it off my list lol. I miss some things about America. But not many.
Muestew *********
@James ***********
problem is theres millions of single and married chad and Tyrones in America that are younger cooler and might even have more money bwahahaha
Sly *******
@James ***********
benefit is a UK passport, other than that 🤷‍♂️
James ************
@Sly ******
you have to apply for a visa and immigrate there. You don't automatically get one.
Yhadnapa ***************
@James ***********
uh, still, a uk citizen would be better than a thai citizen.
Andy **********
@Yhadnapa **************
why do people think the streets are paved in gold in the UK?? it is an awful place to be, it's expensive, cold and miserable, high crime rates, miserable people, with the cost of living constantly rising, a lot of people are just working long hours to live, and to pay bills and debts, the amount of people that suffer with depression and anxiety is shocking, if you are very rich, and live in an affluent area, and it's summer time, it's not to bad 👍😂
Yhadnapa ***************
@Andy *********
well people wouldn’t know, they just think it’s a better place than thailand since they’ve never been there
Andy **********
@Yhadnapa **************
the problem is, Thai people think all farangs are rich, and they are not!! they have seen the "two week millionaires" in places like Pattaya, throwing money everywhere like confetti, so they think they live like that everyday in their home country, when in fact they have been working long hours and saving up money for months, to go on that blow out holiday, or they see some rich older fella move to Thailand, that has worked all his life, and has got his life saving, and also sold his house and car, and probably spent 25 years paying off his house, also got good pensions coming in every month, he has turned up in Thailand and buys a brand car, and builds his Thai wife a ฿4 million baht house, not everyone can do that, there are thousands of people live on the streets in the UK, most Thai people wouldn't even know that.
James ************
@Yhadnapa **************
not really. America and most of Europe is a shithole now
Bill ********
James ************
@Bill *******
well then. Enjoy your pathetic shithole buddy. Lived in America for 43 years. It's trash. Crime, homeless, druggies, inflation out of control. You stay and enjoy bud.
Bill ********
@James ***********
That's what happens in a Democrat-run city!
Bill ********
@James ***********
I live in KS. You from NY? Or, CA?
James ************
@Bill *******
no. Republican ran state. Alaska. But it's everywhere. So..... it's everywhere. There's no denying it.
Bill ********
@James ***********
Alaska has a bunch of drunks who imbibe all winter long. Plus they get government hand-outs from all the oil. Moreover, the big mosquitoes bite everyone, so they all have brain disorders. LOL!!!
James ************
@Bill *******
awe. You sound like you know everything. Good for you. I'll enjoy the beautiful land of smiles. You enjoy Kansas lmao. 😉

By the way, alaskans get like 800-2000 a year. Barely pocket change. It's not government hand outs. It's part of the profit off the states oil. You sound like such a charming fellow lol.
Bill ********
@James ***********
LOL, I am in Thailand now for 2 weeks, with 5 more weeks to go.
James ************
@Bill *******
but Kansas is so great lol.
Bill ********
@James ***********
obviously, you've never been to Kansas. Hallelujah!!
James ************
@Bill *******
awe. But I have. No intention of returning, too many angry pathetic people. 😤
Bill ********
@James ***********
seen your shrink lately?
James ******
@Yhadnapa **************
maybe 20 years ago, but today the uk is a totally different place.
James ************
@James *****
I left America due to it being a crime ridden overpriced Crack house
James ******
Matt *********
Ellen *************
@Matt ********
so you’re taking her to UK?
Matt *********
@Ellen ************
I'm in the UK. Not yet
Stephen ********
@Matt ********
not automatic. Still have to jump through hoops, meet Financial requirements, pass English tests etc etc. I think it takes at least 5 years to qualify for UK citizenship
Ellen *************
@Matt ********
oooh. I think a few of us, including the person you were responding to here, understood the post to say that you intended to be in and stay in Thailand. Anyway, viva love.
Yhadnapa ***************
@Matt ********
then the benefit would be the uk citizenship and being a uk citizen comes with benefits 🤷🏻‍♀️
Matt *********
@Yhadnapa **************
would the citizenship be automatic though?
Yhadnapa ***************
@Matt ********
no, it wouldn’t.
Graeme **********
A Thai lady looking to marry someone with a small dick😝😝😝
Graeme **********
@Stefen *******
thank you for your advice. I shall now change my views on life🤪
Ivan *********
@Graeme *********
not all uk men have small ones. They don't call me big ive for nothing.
Chrissy **********
@Ivan ********
Livinglife *********
Stefen Harpin you would be surprised how well endowed American men are🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Chrissy **********
@Livinglife ********
they’re so mad at your comment and it’s true 😭😭😭😭😂
Jason ******
@Livinglife ********
pup,you need to grow out of that teenager locker room childish views 😂😂
Karim ***************
@Livinglife ********
what a weird flex… And for a woman to make…

Americans are made up of lots of different races and nationalities. You could never generalise like that about Americans. You can say you personally had loads of big cok in your time. But that’s your story to tell.
Martin *************
@Graeme *********
well they certaily would run at the chance of you then
Mark ********
@Graeme *********
its not what your missus tells me. She is in awe. Keeps coming back. 😂
Stefen ********
I love this

Ain’t the size of the boat baby

I mean a nice boat is a nice boat

But if it travels nowhere

Why ride it?
Graeme **********
@Mark *******
who said she was a she😉
Mark ********
Stefen ********
@Graeme *********
they prefer the American spring roll
David ********
Duncanc **********
Graham ***********
@Duncanc *********
baby’s cafe sell warburtons crumpets
Graham ***********
Sorry nanys
Bill *********
@Duncanc *********
what is a crumpet
Duncanc **********
@Bill ********
a second hand Japanese carpet
Chloé *****
@Duncanc *********
can’t find crumpets anywhere here to be fair 🤣
Mike ************
@Chloé ****
Villa Market sell Warburtons Crumpets.The Best in the World
Trudy *********
@Chloé ****
Lazada has loads
Chloé *****
Are there any expat shops around Pattaya area?
Bob **********
@Chloé ****
expat shops got em
Dave *******
@Chloé ****
company in bkk make them and send them all over Thailand, I'm sure there's many shops selling them
Lynnette *******
@Chloé ****
think they sell them in Food For Foreigners shop, Phuket.
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