Can I apply for a TR Visa while my ED Visa is still valid in Thailand?

March 5, 2022
3 years ago
Jason ********

my ED Visa is going to end soon and I'm planning to get a TR Visa in Cambodia. Can I apply for the TR at the embassy while I still have a few days left on the ED Visa? Or do I have to cancel it before I fly?


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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user wants to know if they can apply for a Tourist Visa (TR) at the embassy in Cambodia while their Education Visa (ED) is still valid. Responses indicate that while it is possible to leave Thailand on an ED visa and apply for a TR Visa without officially canceling the ED visa, doing so could lead to complications. Specifically, the ED visa extension does not officially cancel when leaving the country, which could result in an overstay penalty if the visa expires before a new visa is obtained. It's recommended to cancel the ED visa extension with appropriate documentation before leaving.
Tod *********
Okay, how about we get to the bottom of this once and for all

While you technically CAN just stamp out on an ED visa extension, go to another country, BUY another visa and come back without any issues at passport control when you stamp back in

Keep in mind that just stamping out does NOT officially cancel an extension (ED or B or O) it just doesn't let you stay on it any more

You MIGHT <-(or might not) have a problem when you go to the immigration office to get an extension on what ever visa you came in on AND if you do have a problem, they can and will fine you for "overstay" (actually the only fine they can assess you) from the time your extension ran out until the current date up to the max fine of 20K baht (500 a day X 40 days) 😮 You cannot be banned for anything relating to not cancelling the ED extension BUT you can be fined and it is totally up to the office you're using.
Salvatore *********
Little bit funny to say the least, how can you overstay if you're not staying over?! Ok I understand, it's up to the Immigration officer you have in front of you. Anyway, do you know if it is possible to cancel your extension when you come back to Thailand (after one year), going to Immigration with a letter from the school, without being fined?
Tod *********
@Ryan *******
read this comment of mine. That outlines exactly HOW you can be charged for overstay on an uncancelled ED visa if you just stamp out.

It's happened to many MANY people over the years. Now that it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it never happens.
Ryan ********
@Tod ********
what if you are on overstay from staying in Thailand longer than the date on your non ED extension? Do you still need to cancel it at immigration before you leave the country?
Tod *********
@Ryan *******
stamping OUT (even on an expired ED extension) does not cancel it officially. You do that at the immigration office that issued the ED extension with a letter from the school

That's all I can tell you.
Souheil *******
Robert *******
As you are a long time living in Bangkok, I guess you did visit the Immigration Office and applied for and got issued a big stamp with the text:

Extension of Stay is permitted up to ../../.., this is NOT a visa.

You need to cancel this Extension of Stay with documents from your school on the last day of study and leave the country before midnight. No left days possible.
Ryan ********
@Robert ******
what if he doesn’t cancel his extension, but allows it run out out by itself. Then he leaves the following day and pays his one stay overstay. The overstay from not canceling the extension would be resolved, right?
Robert *******
@Ryan *******
No, he signed, as everybody does, a form called STM 2, acknowledgement of terms and conditions. When the current one is not cancelled as it should be, Immigration can charge 500 Thb overstay with a maximum of 20.000 Thb when he applies for a new Extension somewhere in the future.
Ryan ********
@Robert ******
where’s the part in that document about the fine?
Robert *******
@Ryan *******
You acknowledge to understand the rules, all the rules are not mentioned in that document but in the Immigration Law.

Next time ask before you sign.
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