Jerry ****
This is a summary of
Jerry ****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 14 comments.



Jerry *****
@Tod ********
one good thing from the previous house visits was that the officers that came were very friendly
Jerry *****
@Timothy ****
required documents is actually not that hard since i already compiled all of them previously. Just need to visit the bank again for the bank letter. Whats difficult is they want a friend to be stationed at my house on their day of visit and its tough as its on a weekday and everyone would be working. And the first time they were late for 3 hours
Jerry *****
@Tod ********
okay got it. For me it was one step more as i went the next day i got married and they felt it was too soon to do it right away so they had me go to apply for a 60 day extension based on visiting thai wife first.

So basically i had to pay once for the 60 days extension followed by 2000 more for the non o and another 1900 for the final extension 😓

What confused me was i didnt know they require to do house visit for the application of a non o as well.