Franken *******
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Franken *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 3 comments.


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Franken *******
@Scott ********
I missed you're previous answer what's the 3 tier system.

I've lived here since 2013 I work internationally and invested in passive income properties and a farm.

I'll read you're system I'm always happy to hear another point of view.

Screw the trolls I see them as no more than gnats. Cheers
Franken *******
@Mary ******
I just went to a walk in clinic and got a script. Take you're old bottles with ure name and dosage on them.

I got a proper prescription because of going through airports. A pharmacist might just refill ure bottles as well, try a tourist area pharmacy.

Good Luck
Franken *******
Yes a dress shop and a garden shop it's going well so far. We will incorporate and I will get a work permit I have other buisness plans.

I checked out some protection ideas but her name is mine now and it's
but the important thing is a will for each of us stating we leave our share to each other. My name is on the property Deed with the goverment we Co own and I'm happy with that but it's everyone's personal choice.

I looked at have a Corp in my homeland and that Corp. Can hold a mortgage on the property so if the property gets sold the mortgage has to be paid before any money is distributed of course u will need a contract of sorts.

I'm confident in our marriage I was broke for 3 years due to a much needed operation and she started selling used dresses at the outdoor market to help we are 8.5 years strong and as I write I'm just out of surgury so back to work in august.