Scott *********
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Scott *********
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Scott *********
@Franken ******
it's not a system, but go back and read my original comment. Was my advice on cost per month to stay there.
Scott *********
It's funny how all the trolling morons attacked my three tier standard of living comment when you all are validating my numbers. Thanks all. I wish haters and trolls would all just go away. Along with all the snide comments to a simple innocent question.
Scott *********
@Marcus *****
buy on the way to airport, cancel with 24 hours. The other option is a train or bus to any border. Buy a cheap ticket and that's all they want. Just to know you have plans in place to leave.
Scott *********
@Kevin *********
I personally think that they are such losers that it's easier to try and think of somebody down at your level rather than admire or appreciate somebody who worked themselves up above them.
Scott *********
@Kevin *********
exactly. When I mentioned standard of living could be 1500, 3000, or 5000....all the haters started trolling saying I'm dreaming if I think I make that much, or I need it to show off to get a GF. It was stupid. They don't realize what we make.
Scott *********
@Issy **********
Read it in context of my previous original reply to the post, and the ensuing ridiculous comments from others. I am one of those making US money living in Bangkok/Vietnam.
Scott *********
@Mike *********
it's tongue in cheek. Read the previous dumb comments. People arguing when I said 5000 you can live large.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
HaHa, 7 hours ago, and you're still at it, after you're still working? Key is you're still working and I don't need to. You work and flex having a FORD...hilarious.... obviously why you're still working, low brow, low IQ, low EQ. If you gonna flex, show off a car worth showing. I got a couple back in LA I'll lend you a photo of and photoshop yourself in them so you don't look so foolish. Flexing a FORD is an obvious sign of "I wish I was". Like the guy that fixes up a 300 and thinks he looks like he's rolling in a Rolls....until a Rolls drives up. Then he realizes he's looks like a fool. You drive your FORD, I'll be laughing. Just shows how clueless you are. Sad you still need to jump in the fight after 7 hours. I'd say get a life, but you look like you're from the shallow end of the gene pool, and I doubt anyone would give you a decent life. So sorry, keep wishing you are. Meanwhile, I'll be here with my beautiful sweet career oriented fiance barely scraping by on my meager income...hahahaha
Scott *********
@Mike *********
you must be one of the dreamers mentioned previously to think you make 5000 a yeah, I have friends getting by on 2000 a month, but getting by is not my preference. Bottle service is nice, I hate vying for the bartenders attention to get a drink. But point is there is a level for everyone in Thailand, which is nice.
Scott *********
@Darren *****
Good that you don't try to show off, just because you have money does not mean you're flashing it.. Only morons that put a picture of themselves flashing a FORD sign have that mentality. HiSo life in Bangkok is not about flexing your wealth. It's about going to the places you want to go, enjoying the entertainment you want, decorating your space, and security to enjoy all life has to offer. Just because you have it does not mean you buy your friends, or you use it to get attention and people around you. Thai HiSo is rarely public.