Brooke ***********
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Brooke ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 7 comments.



Brooke ************
You might also try posting in a scuba diving group for advice, as many of the people answering are not educated on decompression sickness, or the fact that it can happen even if you followed all safety protocols and your dive computer’s instructions.
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********
thank you though, that screenshot is more helpful.
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********
During this program I will be taking classes and earning college credits, as well as taking scuba courses and earning certifications in those. Scuba courses alone are supposed to qualify for student visas and extensions, such as people who travel to Thailand to get their dive master and rescue diver certifications. Or at least that’s what I read.
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********

This says the visas are extendable if you are doing a longer course or program.
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********
again that makes no sense, so are students taking this internship applying for two ED visas back to back?
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********
I should probably specify that this a marine biology internship with scuba courses.
Brooke ************
@Brandon ***********
that doesn’t make any sense since the internship can run as long as 6 months, although only want to do 3. I thought ed visas can be extended for up to a year, with you reporting to immigration every 90 days to report your address?