Jake ********
This is a summary of
Jake ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 9 comments.



Jake *********
@Colin *******
oh okay. Yeah I'd be traveling exactly on 1st March actually. Have u got a link to that pls?
Jake *********
@Joanne ********
how long does it take to get that? Where do I get one? Do I need to apply for that before travel right?
Jake *********
So do I understand it right that I need a rt pcr test before I leave cou try of origin and then those 2 more right? Does the accommodation have to be some specific type? Do they check if insurance covers you for whole period of stay?
Jake *********
Paul Garnett thanks Paul. I'm from Czech republic, flying from Fiji, flying I think Fiji air, never been infected, double vaxxed.
Jake *********
Coz they are smart. Anyone who buys (or sells) water in a place with drinking tap water is an ignorant
Jake *********
Billy Brown backpackers don't buy water
Jake *********
@Elisa *********
wonderful thank you. Have u been there under these conditions? I just wonder how much they check for example the booked acom, insurance and booking of the 2 tests. When I went to Fiji, the requirements were similar but no one has actually ever asked me about none of those, only wanted to see an onwards ticket
Jake *********
Uff Im so glad I ended up opting for Sri Lanka. The visa was taken care of literally in 2.5 mins:D but I will miss Pad Thai..you enjoy it for me bud:)