Phillip ************
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Phillip ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 14 comments.


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Phillip ************
@Darren *******
the fit to fly is separate from the Covid. Not sure of time needed for ftf.
Phillip ************
I dont there's a time limit on the fit to fly. I may be wrong.
Phillip ************
Book it fast because I had a hell of a job finding a suitable date tor the test.
Phillip ************

Google it, I just paid 25,000baht for 1 year policy. COE/ASQ visa suited. They sell quarterly also.
Phillip ************
Yes, carry on.
Phillip ************
Not if you're Scottish.
Phillip ************
If you're lucky you'll get a nice new brexit blue one.
Phillip ************
Great post. Very helpful and calming.