Anne ********
This is a summary of
Anne ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 23 comments.



Anne *********
Robert Lagas relying on profile descriptions doesn't work. People who seldom use Facebook don't update their details as regularly as others, or they just forget.
Anne *********
@Doree ********
the above comments are correct. I made the mistake of going to extend at 90 days instead of 60 days and had to pay a HUGE overstay fine. Check the STAMP date, not the one on the actual visa 😊
Anne *********
@James *******
I hadn't considered that. I will look into it.

Thank you so much!
Anne *********
@James *******
many thanks. That's why I want to do the right thing and take my time.
Anne *********
@Robert ******
oh bugger, no sorry - both stamps were from the consulate!
Anne *********
@Paula *******
I got the visa exempt and extension. I'm due to fly out in November.
Anne *********
Dada is a Chinese online company and I don't recommend it.
Anne *********
@James *******
no. I left Dada ages ago. I don't update my Facebook profile on a regular basis. Sorry for the confusion.
Anne *********
I should mention that the 18 mths in between those 2 stays were spent at home in Aus.