Perry ***********
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Perry ***********
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Perry ***********
I know with Cathay Pacific they won't allow you to bring certain breads as well, so if you chose to go with them with cargo, then you'll need a letter from your veterinarian identifying the exact bread. You will also need to have thier vaccines done at a minimum of 21 days prior to departure and a health check within 10 days of departure. If you're flying out of SFO, I have the email contact of thr person there, getting a hold of someone by phone is near impossible
Perry ***********
@Braulio ********
nice job bringing something productive to the conversation, give yourself a pat on the back 🥱
Perry ***********
@Wayne ********
i wonder if we can put our application in online through the Sydney website vs the US one
Perry ***********
@Wayne ********
looks like we need to move to Sydney for a little bit 🤣 Its like the OA visa, on our end, where you pay the 800,000 bht or show a monthly salary of
bht a month from a retirement. Thanks for pointing that out, the Thai embassy needs to be consistent world wide
Perry ***********
@Wayne ********
things that make you go hmmmm

Perry ***********
@John *********
Ive been trying to find that and unable to, most of the sites only address the standard ones that we have mentioned. If you can post a link to what you have found it would be greatly appreciated
Perry ***********
@Wayne ********
I'm guessing things have changed since you did it, here is the information as of today

Applicant must have a bank deposit of no less than 3 million bahts in Thailand or a bank deposit of no less than 1.8 million bahts and annual income of no less than 1.2 million bahts. Such amount must be maintained in bank deposit in full for at least one year, and keep at no less than 1.5 million bahts thereafter.
Perry ***********
@John *********
Hey John, from what I have been reading, and correct me if I am wrong, but the trailing spouse visa is usually tied to someone who has a working or education visa and want their better half to join them when they are gone for a long period of time
Perry ***********
@Michelle ***********
The initial part of my wife's question is obvious about the overstay and how it would affect the application process. We got the answer from the ELite Visa people when we talked to them last night. In a nutshell, if its an isolated event, more than likely its no big deal, but for repeat offenders it will be an issue.

As for the second part, basically the question was "is it worth the 800,000 bht to not go through the hassle of having to check in every 90 days and all the other stuff that goes along with the other visas. The other visas the money sits in the bank and you cant touch it. Its like you have a (fill in your favorite car here or motorcycle) sitting in the garage with a full tank of gas and the keys just hanging there, but you cant drive it. In this case the banks make out because they get to use your money to make money and you just have to sit there and kick rocks. In other words, for some people it is worth to pay the money to let the Elite Visa do the work.
Perry ***********
@Garrett **********
I understand your rules and I will have to apologize for the PM comment, as like any fine print I am sure most of us haven't actually read it. I can assure you that it was an honest mistake and also no solicitation involved, just someone trying to help out. And to state the obvious, anyone could just click on a name to get more clarification on something, not everyone wants to air their private stuff here in the forum, especially with the group of trolls that seem to follow the comments like a bunch of Grateful Dead fans.