Chris *****
This is a summary of
Chris *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 12 comments.



Chris ******
You can buy unlock codes online. It's not expensive and takes about a day to wait for it. That AIS virtual sim is also a nifty idea. Though I don't think you can have both services active at the same time. But I don't have personal experience with that so I'm not sure. The unlock codes work though.
Chris ******
Sal Sh Lee thank you. It'll work out, I'll keep working on it.
Chris ******
@Sal ********
thank you. I hope that's right, it's the kind of thing most people have been telling me. Though it's difficult for me to get out and go directly to immigration without oxygen. Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I could be. Part of the advice I'm asking is for reputable and trustworthy services that might act as an agent to go in my place with my documents, without charging the fees expected of a full attorney.
Chris ******
@Kool ******
Thank you, though you are not 100% correct in your perspective. I have spoken to immigration and know that an extension is possible, but as with most red tape things need to be done a specific way. That's what I'm trying to get sorted. I had insurance, but as I said I was employed and there were issues with the company. I have never tried to avoid doing anything or tried to get away with anything, it's just something unfortunate that happened. And yes, I was too sick to get up at all for a long time, and still not well. What you said about oxygen on planes isn't correct. You can't take oxygen bottles. Only specific models of portable battery operated concentrators are allowed, and with enough battery power X 1.5 duration off your total trip. These are not typically distributed here, and are also extremely expensive. I've done my research about this. And no airline will want to take responsibility of a passenger who literally can't breathe. Trust me it's obvious when you are collapsing and gasping for air. So there are cases for almost everything, nothing is black and white. I'm just asking for advice and particularly regarding visa services or 3rd party agents who might help in cases like this.
Chris ******
@Kool ******
well, it's not that cut and dried. There have been lots of extensions given recently, especially regarding covid. I could probably get the Dr to reword it if necessary, but he said I can't be without oxygen, which isn't available on long overseas flights. In fact airlines do not provide this themselves at all, and certainly won't allow anyone to board who is clearly having trouble breathing even just standing in a line. And oxygen at high altitude is even thinner than on the ground.
Chris ******
@Nathan *****
The embassy can't do anything directly, they don't get involved in visa issues. If I'm arrested they'll visit me but they can't legally represent people and don't provide proxy services.
Chris ******
@Greg *******
I haven't seen services like that. If you find it I'll look into it. I see ads for all kinds of visa services aimed at tourists. I'm skeptical of these but I tried a few and one just wasted my time the other quoted ridiculous fees. But if anyone knows of a decent visa agency I imagine I need something like that.