Carman ******
This is a summary of
Carman ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 6 comments.



Carman *******
I asked if it's better to come in person verses email response next week

Waiting for a reply
Carman *******
Hi Philip. Like I mentioned it's alot of money. That's each year

It's actually intense

4.5 hours a day 6 days a week. Yikes. Lol
Carman *******
Thank you all

I ran across this. A muay thai gym is offering a ED visa for 148k bhat

You need to train muay thai boxing 3 days a week and do 1.5 hours thai language training on line

Multiple entry. All in for that cost. Renewable every year for 3 years

I am checking with thai consulate on that also to see if legit. Plus if I went for it I would do it in person

Seems interesting but alot of money

Just curious if you heard of it
Carman *******
Good morning

Do you have any advice on how to set up thai bank account

I am sure it's easier in person

Thank you