Daniel ********
This is a summary of
Daniel ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 10 comments.



Daniel *********
@Tod ********
yes indeed, it's also an option I considered. Spanish passport gets 30days on arrival 👍
Daniel *********
@Robert ******
this is a perfect answer i was looking for. My work permit will expire on 19th december and i was looking what to do with my Non-B year extension. Thanks a lot. I heard it is possible to extend the stay for 7days when canceling the year extension, can this be done? If yes, how? I'm in Bangkok so it will be done at Chaeng Wattana.

Thanks a lot for all the infos shared in here.
Daniel *********
The same thing happened to me in December. They stamped me Non-O but i had a non-B visa. I went back to the airport and to the information desk, same procedure but a bit more time spent there. Helpful staff.
Daniel *********
Yep I've got that feedback about bangkok. I have the staff its not a problem actually, its just the location and the office rental... Thanks for sharing.
Daniel *********
@Ellie ******
thank you for your ideas with yangon and penang, I'll try to get informations from them as fast as possible. Thanks to all of you who took time to share their experience and advices. My lawyer and a visa agency confirmed Lao doesn't deliver year extension non-b.
Daniel *********
I was advised about HK, my lawyer contacted the embassy there and they answered it wasn't possible anymore. All seems so blurred when it comes to who applies which norm.

And yes indeed, a friend got a 1 year non-b at penang a few years ago (i have the passport pic)
Daniel *********
Yes that's what i heard. They really enforce that in order to shut down fake companies (used for buying properties for example)
Daniel *********
I'm based in Bangkok, i guess its chaeng wattana. I'm totally new to these things so i can't even be sure. I've just learned as well that my condo owner didn't register me, so one more thing I'll have to deal with...
Daniel *********
well, I heard different things then. need proof of income, pictures at work place with the employees and company logo, tax for sure, and expect an immigration officer to come and check for all that, as well.
Daniel *********
Apparently Immigration officers pay visit to companies in order to make sure they are not fake, really have 4 employees for 1 Work Permit, have a valid adress and office (no more virtual desk) etc etc. My current 90days non-b ends up 6th of march : 13days from now.