Mary ********
This is a summary of
Mary ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 21 comments.



Mary *********
Good news update! I managed to get 60 day extension today 😀 Thanks for your help!
Mary *********
As a Thai she doesn’t have a TM 30. Her tabien baan is in another province. They have never asked for proof of her address. The proof we live together is only the photos they demand of us in our residence.

I will try without her here in cmai and if that doesn’t work we will go together down south…….

Thanks for all your suggestions!
Mary *********
@Tod ********
she does stay at the same address as me in chiangmai. Do you think it is possible to get the 60 day visit family extension from a province in the south?
Mary *********
One more question…..

If my daughter is able to come with me to immigration, can I get an extension in another province although my daughter lives in Chiangmai?

Mary *********
@Ellie ******
I realize that, but last year when I wanted to extend my one year visa (based on her supporting me) while she was away they offered me a month extension and I could come back with my daughter when she returned to renew for another year. This year I do not have the one year just the 3 month visit family.
Mary *********
@Ellie ******
thai embassy in uk refer to it as ‘visit family visa’