Eugenie **************
This is a summary of
Eugenie **************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 30 comments.



Eugenie ***************
:-) Message me and tell me what you guys are up to!
Eugenie ***************
They didn't say anything about it at all.
Eugenie ***************
Yup, I just printed from my online bank account at our hotel.
Eugenie ***************
Would you think based on this be that we will have probs coming back to thailand? Are land crossings easier?

There is quite a bit of Thai handwritten over my original ED stamp that seemed to be queried both leaving and entering Thailand...if I snap a pic, would you know what it says? My Thai never did progress that far, though I was ready to spill out every word I have ever learnt if asked lol :-)
Eugenie ***************
Thanks Rob, we would prefer to fly but other than passports, we do not have alternative photo ID and even though itโ€™s a domestic flight, I was worried they might flag the visas...or lack of. So you think it will be fine?
Eugenie ***************
I don't think anyone would move here for the main reason of educating their kids though???
Eugenie ***************
Lucky for some I guess. Not me lol!
Eugenie ***************
That is certainly true....costs of schooling here are astronomical and much higher than even the top private schools in the UK.