Kimberly ************
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Kimberly ************
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Kimberly ************
Thanks for the article 🤗
Kimberly ************
@Teo **********
you are totally welcome! And just to say, I want to leave thailand and see my aging parents, my mom is getting dementia and it's tearing me apart, but there is a 4th covid wave... AnD In the flu season of extremely cold Canada! I am stuck, too... I dont want to bring death to them, nor myself. They are high risk. Anyway, maybe its good to look at all sides to keep a good perspective
Kimberly ************
@Teo **********
the case is in Samui, all over the fb groups... Not sure about specific article, sorry 😕
Kimberly ************
@Margot *******
I dont believe that at all, which is why I pointed out the quarantine in bbk... I think she or he got it here! But immigration will think its from Europe, or France. DENIAL (the nile)is not just a river in Egypt.
Kimberly ************
Someone from France just returned to thailand and tested positive for covid (after the quarantine even!) dont think you will be able to come in January... Take a gap year?
Kimberly ************
I already mentioned that I am not in that province. Which is why I am asking about how to go about the 90 day reporting and how to change offices. Loads of us got the stamps from there and dont live there but visa is legit.