non immigrant o

Showing 6 questions

This page displays all the results for the Non Immigrant O tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 6 questions that have been tagged with Non Immigrant O. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Oct 9, 2022
2 years ago
Adam *******
I will turn 50 soon and intend to apply for non-immigrant O, and 3 months later a 12 month extension of stay based on retirement. I have a non-Thai wife who is 1 year younger and wants to stay in Thailand with me.

I have read that she firstly has to acquire a non-immigrant O outside of Thailand in order to piggyback on my retirement extension as a trailing spouse (until she turns 50 when she has to apply for her own retirement extension).

My question is: when exactly can she apply for her non-immigrant O? Together with me when I apply for my first non-immigrant O or after I have acquired my 12 month retirement extension?

Thank you for any advice or insight.

Sep 5, 2020
4 years ago
Paul ***********
Hi, I have to do my first 90-day report in October but my passport is full. Is this a problem? Do they make a stamp in your passport or not?

Also, I will have to get a new UK passport soon. Does anyone know how you go about getting your Thai visa (non-immigrant O) transferred into the new passport.

Jun 25, 2020
5 years ago
Manuel ************

i am under the covid-19 extension till 31.07.

Do I have to sign the TM30 again ? (Normal it ends begin juni)

Thank you :-)
Jan 8, 2020
5 years ago
Tullio *******
Had posted yesterday regarding friend wife that entered Thailand with 30 days entry exempt stamp. As she has kids studying here was entitled to non imm O but messed up in Italy. On suggestion from Robert Lagas she asked for letter from school (they gave her the standard one) went to immigration entered at 8:00 am was all done by 11 with one year extension. Note all paper work with bank letter and money was done they just didn’t get the correct visa in Italy. Thanks very much for the help. Saved a lot of trouble!
Jan 5, 2019
6 years ago
Karen ***********
Going for my for first 90 day report (METV non immigrant O A) in Chiang Mai. Will I be able to get the 90 day report (TM 47) at immigration? I have no way to print one. Thx!!!
Oct 8, 2017
7 years ago
Irene ***************
I have been told that if my husband gets a retirement visa I can get on his as a spouse I’m over 50

Can any one confirm that for me

As we both were looking st the retirement visas of which means we both have to have 800‘000 thb in bank account

If the information I have received is correct it would make it so much easier
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