travel with multiple passports

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the travel with multiple passports tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with travel with multiple passports. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
May 12, 2024
8 months ago
Sunny *******
My parents received new EU passports, however, their retirement visa is in the old one- which is still valid, just has no more pages. Would anyone advise, if they need to go to immigration to a fix it into new passport or is it ok to travel in and out of country with both passports?

Thank you
Apr 2, 2023
2 years ago
Elly *******
Has anyone recently traveled with an old and new passport in hand to Kualar Lumpur?

My husband had to recently get a new Australian passport as his old one had a bad stamp from some dodgy school that cropped up during the Covid years.

On the 31st of March [Friday just gone] my husband left Thailand on an old passport that expires today [April 2nd] and he was hoping that the Thai Embassy in Kl would put the tourist visa stamp into his new passport [especially considering that the old one is now non-usable as of today].

So, my husband left Thailand on the old passport and then entered Malaysia on the old passport and is now concerned that at the Thai Embassy in Kl that they will think it strange that he has a brand-new passport when his old passport still had two years validity on it and a few spare pages left.

Has anyone recently been through this experience at the KL Thai embassy?

Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.
Mar 25, 2023
2 years ago
Emily *********
Hello, I’m returning to thailand with a new passport, but my e-visa has my old passport number on it. If I travel with and show both my old and new passport at immigration, would it be accepted?

Thanks in advance for any help :)
Mar 3, 2018
7 years ago
Tharika *****
So not really a visa question, but has anyone with multiple passports enter Thailand with their Thai passport recently and leaving their original country on another passport? How did it go? My bf has a US passport and our 2 yo has a US passport (have to pick up his Thai one in Thailand); can we go through immigration together or should we split up?
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