Can I enter Thailand with one passport and leave with another?

Sep 29, 2024
18 days ago
Steve ******
Due to fly into Bangkok. This will be the third visit in a year. My other two visits I have left well within visa time. My question is can I leave my home country on my home country passport, this is the one with the Thailand entry and exit stamps, but on arrival in Thailand use my UK passport to enter Thailand as it has not been used before, then use it to leave Thailand and then use my home country passport to re enter my country. Hope not too confusing šŸ˜Ž
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires if they can enter Thailand using a UK passport while leaving their home country on their home passport, given their previous entry stamps on the latter. Community responses confirm that it is technically possible but warn that biometric systems could track entries, as fingerprints are associated with individuals rather than specific passports. Most advise using one passport consistently throughout the journey to avoid complications, although some share experiences of successfully using multiple passports without issues.
Ian *********
as u use a machine in uk as long as its an active passport the gate will open .if its a person and there is no stamps u will get questioned lol.
Anthony ******************
Your name, date and place of birth and finger prints let alone facial recognition the same? Come 5 years time passports will not exist. All on line.
Bob ********
They know it's you because the fingerprint matches regardless of your passport, that's how the spot the crims using fake ID
Steve ******
@Bob *******
I am not sure the fingerprint would match at the time at the airport. I know this as in crimes it takes time to check the databases to match a fingerprint found at a crime scene. I think the commentary is correct though that the prints may well be matched later.
Kool *******
@Steve *****
don't let people fool you. The immigration computer system is very advanced, and with your finger print, and facial recognition they know instantly who you are. They are also connected to interpol, and the FBI data alert system instantly. Ten years ago it was not so advanced, but now it is some of the best in the world, and constantly being updated, thanks to the US, and a few other countries.
Anthony ******************
@Steve *****
it is instant
Paul ***************
You don't get an exit stamp for UK so theirs nothing to worry about, so long as you use the same passport to leave Thailand you will be ok
Steve ********
Helen ********
It doesn't change anything, they'll still know about your entries. Make sure you have both accessible as well. Also dual citizen and our main passport was getting full, so we entered on our secondary. We were asked why, they also wanted to see the other passport.
Vishnu ********
It is advice..use one passport all the way....
Scott *******
My only advice is to show your airline the same passport you will use at Thai Immigration. airlines give this data to Immigration, so you want passports to match. inconsistency raises red flags, though as previously noted, with biomatrics using multiple passports does not help like it once did.
Frank **********
Simon ********
Steve ********
Lynnette *******
What reason are you wanting to do this?
Steve ********
@Lynnette ******
Does it matter?
Lynnette *******
@Steve *******
no it doesn't matter to me. But it often helps people give best advice. Up to him. šŸ¤·
Jim ********
You can, although there's no point unless you're trying to conserve space in your passport.
Peter *********
Passport doesnā€™t matter they have your finger prints etc so theyā€™ll have your previous entries
Steve ******
@Peter ********
not sure they would match those at the airport though.
Julane *******
@Steve *****
YES, they do.
Peter *********
@Steve *****
yes steve Iā€™m air crew we have 2 passports so we can continue to work while applying for visaā€™s around the world , no trying to trick the system or anything just one time one passport was off getting a visa for China so I used my second passport but they knew from their state Iā€™d used a different passport the month before .
Kevin *******
I travel to the UK often, have a daughter living there, I book my flights back to Australia via Thailand and other SEA countries on my Oz passport but leave the Uk on my Uk passport, come to think of it, you donā€™t go through immigration on leaving the Uk !!! Will be flying to Thailand from UK next Thursday, never had any issues
Brian *********
Yes you can the border systems are not sophisticated so donā€™t worry - ignore the haters the fingerprints are associated with a passport not a person - idiots who say otherwise are just that.
Peter *********
When I took it out of my jacket I thought yep Iā€™m right itā€™s black , then I took it to the window direct sunlight looking very very close can see itā€™s blue :)
Luit *****************
@Brian ********
Do you really think they make a system with fingerprints and not use them then?

The fingerprints are unique for a person, the passport isn't, so it is more logical to associatie passports with fingerprints than the other way around. Just use common sense.
Damo ***********
Peter *********
@Brian ********
Iā€™m a professional traveler I have two U.K. passports different numbers & not associated with each other, on one trip I used my new black passport and the immigration asked if I had a second passport because Iā€™d used a different one on my previous trips , I flew into Phuket 6 times in a 6 month period so it seems their systems are more sophisticated than you think they are
Andy ********
@Peter ********
Black UK passport!! I think you mean Blue.
Peter *********
@Andy *******
is it blue looks black to me , I must say I preferred the very old version with its hard cover
Brian *********
ditto - stop bullshitting - Iā€™ve had two for many many years so please stop it. Itā€™s not big or clever. You are scaremongering for no reason whatsoever. Maybe you need attention
Peter *********
@Brian ********
mate you are bullshitting Iā€™m just stating facts , take what I say or not itā€™s up to you but donā€™t say itā€™s bullshit . It doesnā€™t cause any problems but they know .why you think ā€œitā€™s clever you are so childishā€
Peter *********
@Brian ********
as I thought a child
Steve ******
@Brian ********
cheers Brian, I didn't think the FPs would be checked on a data base at the airport. At the end of the day it's my passport and my prints.
Von ******
Biometric identification is not gonna be fooled, that is why they take a happy snap and your swirls on your finger skin. Roll the dice and smile. šŸ˜Š
Alistair **********
Short answer is yes. But your multiple passports will be cross matched in the system, so it will make no difference. That said there is no written limit on flying in and out visa exempt into Thailand. As long as the IO doesn't think you're abusing the visa exemption scheme to live or work in Thailand then there's no issues coming in and out of Thailand multiple times
Jan ******************
Change fingerprints as well?
Henrik *****
And the face !
Steve ******
Ryan *******
What is your home country. Shiudk of stated that to begin with
Adam ******
Yes, done it often. It was a while ago now.
Steve ******
@Adam *****
I guess what I need to know is if the entry passport is linked to your flight details..
Adam ******
@Steve *****
Might be nowadays, my time was around 2012-17.
Graham ******
Yes you can but you will not be fooling anyone, probably get a laugh from the IO
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