What should I do if my return flight is changed, causing an overstay on my Thai tourist visa?

September 17, 2024
6 days ago
Tony *********
Hi, looking for advice here. I have a 60 day tourist visa from the UK Thai Embassy, I landed 6th of September. My Airline have since sent me a text and email to tell me my return flight has been cancelled and changed it to 2 days later than the original which was a stay of 60 days but now I will be 2 days over the 60 day visa limit. I have kept the original return flight ticket and have the email and ticket confirming the cancellation and new dates of the return flight will that be sufficient on exit or will I still get an overstay fine. I know it is only 500 baht per day but this was the Airline who cancelled my return flight that was within the time limit. TIA
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user has a 60-day tourist visa but their return flight has been rescheduled, causing them to overstay by two days. Commenters advise against overstaying due to potential fines and passport stamps that may cause trouble for future travel. Instead, they suggest applying for a 30-day extension at a local immigration office or reimbursing the extension fee from the airline. It's generally recommended to avoid overstaying, even if the airline caused the issue.
Terary **********
The overstay isn't going to hurt you too much.. But I would buy the extension.
Mike *****
For me, I would pay the money and extend the visa because you could get an overstay stamp and other hassles later if you overstay. Also, if the airline postpones the flight to an even later date, you would be getting into further issues.
Peter *********
Which airline cancelled your flight ?
Ian *********
just pay the overstay is the easy answer or call airline and get changed to day before u leave or pay for a 30 day extension .no point pay for 30 days unless u use them .
Kenneth *******
Go to immigration and ask for an extension. You could go to the airport and check out then stay there until your plane leaves.
Rok ********
Personally, As a matter of principle i would never overstay a visa, anywhere.
Peter **********
Why did you get the tourist visa? You know you get 60 days anyway right?
Tony *********
@Peter *********
got it before july 15
Tobben ********
Take a short trip to one of the neighbour contries by air and come back by air and you will have 60 more days at the airport. I recommand Vietnam and Saigon District 1. Cheaper than Thailand also..
Andy ********
You have 2 choices overstay and pay the 1000 for two days (not a huge problem) or go to your nearest immigration office and get a 30 day extension 1900 baht

Up to you sir
John *******
Easy fix go to nearest immigration office get a extension
Kevin ******
Why would the border policy care about your flight delay? Just pay the 1000bht, not a big deal
Mike *****
The blame would be with your airline (*ie. your responsibility) therefore, Immigration is not going to ignore an overstay. You'd need to apply for an extension or contact your airline to change to a different flight on an earlier date within your 60 days. Your airline should not charge you for that change.
Chris *******
As most replies mention, better apply for an extension (30 days). It never looks positive to have an overstay in your passport. It's not worth the couple of Baht that you are saving on an overstay fine.
Pertti *************
Go sleep airport or get extension🙏
Graham ******
@Pertti ************
I know you are joking but there have been reports of people on overstay being arrested at Phuket airport departures before they could exit. You are no longer safe, it seems, by making it to the airport.
Richard *****
Get extension, pay, send the receipt as a bill to the airline! Good luck, especially the last bit! 😬
Lawrence ********

- Bring your documents to Thai immigration and explain the situation.

- Anything they say, get in writing.

- Get a visa extension to avoid the negative mark on your passport.
Graham ******
@Lawrence *******
Don't need to explain anything or get anything in writing, they won't care, they'll just issue the Extension
Lawrence ********
@Graham *****
That works just fine then. 👌
Declan **********
Pay the 1900 baht for a 30 day extension at your local immigration.

The likelihood of there being an issue if you don't is slim to non but the ramifications of overstaying could cause you plenty of issues in the future, not just in thailand but other countries too
Paul *******
Tourist visa from the UK single entry lasts for 90 days (I’ve just been approved), suspect you arriving on a exemption visa which you can extend by going to the local immigration office for 1900 bhat.
Nigel *********
you're kind of confusing things here. Sure you can use it within 90 days however you get stamped in for 60 days and you can extend it once for 30 days 😉
Carl ********
@Paul ******
you can get a 90 day tourist visa?
Graham ******
@Carl *******
A single-entry Tourist Visa is valid for 90 days from the day of issue and gets you a 60 day entry stamp when you enter Thailand
Paul *******
@Carl *******
depends on where you are applying from I think, touris visa is either a single entry for 3 months or multiple for 6 months
Eddy ********
As a matter of interest, which airline?
Tony *********
Gulf Air
Phil *******
Surely the airline has given you the option to cancel free of charge with a full refund, take that option and book another flight.
Rob *******
Avoid the overstay stamp, get a 30 day extension
Dave *******
Interesting question. If it was me I would write to the CEO of the airline explaining that their cancelling has cost you an extension plus hotels etc. Nothing to lose. I once complained to KLM about a not dis-similar issue and got a big refund. Nothing to lose. Who is the airline, if you dont mind telling us?
Ling *****
Usually they waive the first 24 hours period but not 2 full days. Pay the fine 1,000 or do an extension for 1900. It's irrelevant why it happened for immigration.
Steve ***************
Pay for the 30-day extension and claim the 1900 baht fee back from your airline. It should be no issue as it is due to them that you need it. Hope you enjoy your unexpected extra time.
Daniel ********
@Steve **************
This right here 👆
Kate *******
@Steve **************
that’s a good point!
Kate *******
Just apply for an extension near to the 60 days mark.
Stuart *********
There will probably be a number of comments on here from people that have overstayed and had no issues paying the fine at the airport and no repercussions returning to Thailand with an overstay stamp.

Except there may be a few that will tell you of their woes on securing a visa for another country. When said country sees an overstay stamp from Thailand they may reject you on that basis. Again it sounds overkill and doomsday type of stuff but there are posts from people previously that this stuff has happed to. Get an extension. Avoid the potential. Or roll the dice and pay the fine at the airport.
Gary **********
@Stuart ********
I over stayed by 4 days ..it was a fault of airline..

On my departure and a over stay I told immigration at airport ..they said no problem I paid the money ..I asked will I get a black stamp in pass port they said no nothing at all or on your record ..it was my first time over stay and not my fault ...so I see no problem as there won't be any thing in passport or records. ..just say the fine and fly out ..hope this helps
Tony *********
@Stuart ********
I could also do a border run as I was planning a few days in Laos so would that work as well
Ralph *******
@Tony ********
That’s a sensible thing to do. Perhaps just before it expires so your existing visa is no longer valid when you return.
Stuart *********
@Tony ********
Sure. You’d get a 60 day visa exempt stamp on entry.
Tony *********
problem solved thanks for the help
Tony *********
@Stuart ********
I was intending on applying for a retirement visa on my next visit in Feb next year would I be able to bring that forward and do it while I am here now, with 6 weeks left on visa?
Graham ******
@Tony ********
do you have a Thai bank account already, if not enter with a Non-O retirement Visa in Feb would be my advice
Stuart *********
@Tony ********
In theory you could. But many offices will issue a “under consideration” stamp on the initial Non O conversion and ask you to return on X date. If you can factor that in on your time left then go for it.
Steven *******
It won’t matter that the airline changed your departure date. It would still be an overstay. You should book a new flight and leave before your visa expires. Some will say just overstay and pay the fine but I wouldn’t want any overstay stamp in my passport. All passport agents in all countries can see it when they thumb through your passport. Just my opinion.
Stuart *********
Never knowingly overstay. Yes your airline changed the flights but it’s you that would be “breaking the law”.

Thousands of people overstay by a day or so (willingly or just by accident) and just pay the fine at the airport of 500 baht per day.

Some are caught whilst on overstay because of a traffic stop or accident or any number of reasons. Then a whole can of worms can open up. Worst case scenario being sent to an immigration detention centre and deported from Thailand and banned for 5 years. Sounds like overkill for a couple of days overstay. It is. But it could happen.

Go to your local immigration office and get an extension. It’ll cost you 1,900 baht but it will alleviate the potential risk. It’s 900 baht more than the fine at the airport but could be a life saver from the worst case scenario.
Tracy *********
@Stuart ********
don’t overstay! I did for 2 days and now cannot qualify for DVT visa
Brenda *********
@Tracy ********
that sucks when it’s the airline!
Tracy *********
Thai Visa service. The stamp is in my old passport. Not in immigration computer?
Stuart *********
@Tracy ********
DTV visas are issued from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They won’t have access to previous entry history from a previous passport.
Tracy *********
@Stuart ********
thank you! Thai
@Visa ******
, what a joke!
Stuart *********
@Tracy ********
I’ve not heard of any issues of anyone applying for a DTV with a previous overstay stamp. What embassy or consulate did you apply at?
Pete ********
@Stuart ********
I agree, why risk it!
David ********
@Stuart ********
agree you don't want an overstay on your record not a good look
Steve *******
You'll get a fine and an overstay stamp in your passport. Alternatively apply for the 30 days extention of stay
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