What documents are required for an annual extension of a Non-Immigrant O visa based on marriage in Thailand?

February 2, 2022
3 years ago
Mike **********
Had been here for several years on Non Imm- O based on retirement, changed last year to based on marriage. What docs are required for my annual extension?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
To renew your Non-Immigrant O visa based on marriage, you will need to submit a set of documents that typically include copies of the TM 6 form, all passport pages, two TM 7 forms with passport photos, copies of your marriage certificate, proof of income (either 40,000 THB per month or 400,000 THB in the bank for at least two months), a TM 8 form (house owner form) with ID and house book copies, six recent photos (including one of the front of your house and mailbox), and a hand-drawn map to the immigration office. Additionally, you'll need new bank letters and new pictures since this is an annual renewal.
Kool *******
You need copies of all the same documents you got your first one year extension with, plus all new bank letters, and all new pictures. I hope you kept copies of everything from last year, as it is all the same, just with new bank letters, and new pictures.
Paul *********
need to check with your local immigration office - they will usually have a checklist that can vary between province. For instance in HH, I needed copies of: TM 6, all passport pages, TM 7 x 2 (with passport photo for each), marriage cert copies (all docs), proof of income (40k per month or 400k in bank account minimum 2 months), TM8 (house owner form inc houseowner ID and housebook copies), 6 photos inc one showing front of house and mailbox with number visible, hand-drawn map (cant me google map copy) showing route from house to immigration, 1900baht and a bucket of crispy fried chicken.
Mike **********
@Paul ********
will schedule a trip to town. That sounds like what was needed initially. They want all again for annual extension? But I didn’t supply chicken last year. 🤦‍♂️
Paul *********
@Mike *********
pretty much the same each year. But the list can change between province to province. Some like hot n spicy, some like original ;)
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