How can I extend my stay in Thailand beyond the 30-day visa exemption as a British citizen?

January 15, 2019
6 years ago
David ********
Hi thanks for the add. One simple question if I may, I am British citizen living in Spain. I am travelling to Thailand in July and August this year with in order to have a look around the country. I understand I will get the 30 day visa exception on arrival. How easy is to extend to a 60 day tourist visa after I arrive. Thanks in advance for advice.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A British citizen living in Spain can initially enter Thailand on a 30-day visa exemption. This stay can be extended for an additional 30 days at an immigration office in Thailand for a fee of 1,900 Thai Baht. However, to avoid potential complications, it's recommended to obtain a Single Entry Tourist Visa from the Thai consulate in Spain before traveling, which grants a 60-day stay and can also be extended for a further 30 days at immigration.
Tod *********
And per the advice of the posters your first step is to check with the thai consualte in Spain to see if you can actually get a single entry tourist visa without being a legal resident, If you can, that's what you should do.

IF you can't, you can fly here on a 30 day visa exempt entry, then go to the immigration office and apply for a 30 day extension of stay for 1900baht.
Ray *********
Check out Royal Thai Embassy in Madrid. Pretty sure you will need proof of residence in Spain before they will issue you with a Visa. If you can comply with the Visa requirements you can then extend the 60 days in Thailand for a further 30 days,as Robert has already explained.
Ray *********
@Benjamin *****
The Spanish government have nothing to do with it...It's the Thai embassy in Madrid. They will only issue visas for Spanish people or foreigners living there that have a residence ID card. Many Brits live in Spain but don't get the card.. if the guy wants 90 days he needs a 60 days visa which he can extend in Thailand by 30 days. He can't do it 'arse about face'.
Benjamin ******
@Liam ****
According to their website, that's correct


It says:

"Los ciudadanos extranjeros con residencia legal en España, deben aportar además fotocopia de su tarjeta de residencia (NIE) compulsada por la Policía o por un Notario.

Si no dispone de residencia legal en España, NO puede solicitar visado de turista en este consulado."

In English, the Thai Embassy of Madrid wants to see the person's Spanish residency card before a ME visa is given. I could not find this file in English or Thai sadly
Liam *****
I think residence in Spain is only required for multi e try tourist visas in Madrid, no?
Benjamin ******
I don't understand the connection between this and the OP. My understanding is that the OP:

1. Wants to enter Thailand on a 30 day visa exception

2. "Extend" (?) the visa to a 60 day tourist visa.

Since he's from the UK, and holding a UK passport (I'm assuming), the Spanish government should have no involvement in issuing his visas.

Do you believe otherwise?
Stuart *********
As an aside. Where in Spain are you located?
Stuart *********
@David *******
then give the consulate in Gibraltar a ring and get your visa there. Real nice guy. Super easy to deal with. Yeah it’s an hour or so drive but so much easier to deal with than the other consulates in Spain.
David ********
Paul *******
30 day extension is available at Immigration \for, I believe, 1,900 Thai Baht.
Robert *******
You can not extend or change to a tourist visa inside Thailand. Best option is to buy a Single Entry Tourist Visa at the Thai Consulate/Embassy in Spain before you make your way to Thailand. You get than 60 days of stay with this visa and possible to extend this stay with another 30 days at Immigration. If you enter without the visa, you get a visa exempt entry for 30 days stay, which is also possible to extend this stay with another 30 days at immigration.
Pierre ****************
@David *******
Yes and can get other 30 days as visa run abroad Thailand. Total 90 days... Sí, y puede obtener otros 30 días como visa en el extranjero Tailandia. Total 90 días ...
David ********
thanks, so I can extend to another 30 days once in Thailand?
Stuart *********
You can get an extension of stay in a local immigration office. A visa is obtained before you visit.
Stuart *********
Or by visiting a consulate in a nearby country outside of Thailand.
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