Does having two TM30 registrations complicate immigration in Thailand?

May 4, 2021
3 years ago
Andy *******
Question, does having (2) TM30's complicate anything with immigration? I want to have an inexpensive place in the city and another on the beach.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The conversation clarifies that one cannot have two active TM30 registrations simultaneously in Thailand. When changing residences, the TM30 must be submitted each time an address changes. It’s possible to have both addresses saved in the TM30 application, but only one can be active at a time. Landlords usually handle the TM30 submission, but tenants can also manage their own registrations with some information from the landlord.
Kool *******
The newest date is the one recognized by immigration.
Michael ********
You can register online for both places and save them both, but can only do one at a time.
Andy *******
@Michael *******
let me see if I understand, you'd always want your long term location to be active and primary so every time you go away for a weekend, stay in a hotel and come back to your longterm, I should have my landlord resubmit the TM30? Am I following?
Michael ********
@Andy *********
no talking about the app
Andy *******
Michael ********
@Andy *********
i have two places but they are not rental and have both registered and saved into the tm 30 app. So its just a few clicks to change
Andy *******
@Michael *******
Thanks. I am new and thought all the TM30 changes fell on the landlord but sounds like I can do myself? And should ?
Michael ********
@Andy *********
hotels etc they do as they have all there systems in place.

But yes you can do yourself you need some basic information from landlord
Steve *******
You can only have 1 at a time. Cant be in 2 places at once
David *******
You submit a TM30 each time you change address. So, you’d be meant to complete one each time you went from one ‘home’ to the other.
Bobby ********
You cannot have two TM30s. You can only physically be in one place at any one time
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