Do I need to update my TM 30 form every time I return to Thailand on an Elite Visa?

April 18, 2019
5 years ago
Daniel ******
If I purchase the elite visa, do I still need to come to immigration to update my TM 30 form every single time I come back into the country? I understand that my landlord needs to do this, but do I need to continue doing this nonsense also?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, even if you hold an Elite Visa, you are still required to update your TM 30 form upon each re-entry into Thailand. The responsibility typically falls on your landlord to file the TM 30, but you as the visa holder may also be expected to comply based on the regulations enforced by your local immigration office.
Robert *******
And as the address registration is discussed here many times I close the commenting. It is free of charge, you or your landlord can use the on-line system or the old fashioned way of reporting in person. If you feel that going to Immigration is to hard, discuss with your landlord, take him/her to Immigration and organize it. For those who have questions, please read this:
Tod *********
In theory YES, there is no visa type or extension type that has an exemption to filing a TM.30.

Now whether your immigration office is hardcore about you filing a TM.30 is between you and them..
Robert *******
@Daniel *************
Even if the had 10.000 units, on-line can be used for every apartment and you can use it for the update.
Daniel ******
@Robert ******
It’s an apartment complex with like 1000 units, there’s no way that they would give me access to something like that. Plus that doesn’t solve the problem, it’s not the filing of the TM 30 that I’m having a problem with, it’s the updating of the TM 30 receipt that immigration wants to stamp
Robert *******
If it is such a big problem, put some effort in once, get your landlord set up with the on-line application, ask the log in and the password and you can do it sitting in a comfortable chair from your home.
Tod *********
@Daniel *************
Chiang Mai interprets the TM.30 wording of "or possessor of the building" as you the tenant :O They have no problem fining you the tenant for failure to file on time.

BUT while they might give you a hard time about not updating the TM.30 during a holiday they certainly won't fine you for it seeing as they're closed and as long as you go the next day they're open you are fine..
Daniel ******
Tod Daniels I live in Chiang Mai, and while my landlord filed the TM 30 promptly, The immigration office was giving me a hard time about not coming in soon enough to update my paper receipt, lord knows why this is even needed.

I told them it’s my landlords responsibility to report within 24 hours, and that I can’t help that the office was close for many days for the holiday.
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