Leigh **********
This is a summary of
Leigh **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 15 comments.



Leigh ***********
@Dhyana *****
I had friends that travelled through Thailand with their dog so I was sure you could.. thanks šŸ‘
Leigh ***********
@Lynnette ******
sorry.. I hadnā€™t really intended it as a visa post but actually I have received some very good information and will be looking into the options. Thank you.
Leigh ***********
@Peter *********
thank you, very helpful. I was using a pet relocation company as I was going to be travelling before my cat. I have had all the vaccinations done. I know the quotes I received they were using Thai air. I am considering my options now with advice given on here.
Leigh ***********
@Vinay *******
Funnily enough Iā€™m not that far as Iā€™m on Isle Of Wight! Thanks for the offer! Hopefully I can come up with a solution.
Leigh ***********
@Lynnette ******
I do not have the bank account yet but funds ready to transfer. My previous advice from an agent was to come to Thailand on a 60 day tourist visa and they would sort the bank account and process the retirement visa. I have received a lot of helpful information on here now and will look at all options before I come. The cat has had all his vaccinations but the rest of the paper work has to be done 10 days before he travels and I have a pet relocation company ready to do this. I will be going to Koh Samui and have sourced several suitable properties but until I settle on a relocation date itā€™s hard to secure anything. I have friends in Samui and a support network to help when I arrive. Thank you all for the advice and I will be looking into the various suggestions.
Leigh ***********
@Lynnette ******
I think you misunderstand me. This is all part of getting my ducks in a row and looking at the best options for the well being of my cat. I am not planning to turn up next week with a suitcase and a cat and hope for the best šŸ˜¬ I have advise from professionals and friends that have lived in Thailand for 25 years. The one anomaly was the entry requirements for the cat as I had differing information and was hoping someone had a similar experience. The other point now raised is if I qualify for an O as i am not yet retired and do not have a pension which are the key requirements for the O outside of the country. I will look into this.
Leigh ***********
Thanks.. Iā€™m more than happy to leave the 800k baht in the bank long term but i thought to apply from UK I would need to be a ā€œpensionerā€ as O states to be over 50 and in receipt of state pension. I can apply anyway and see what happens but didnā€™t want to be refused while in the uk incase it complicated matters later..
Leigh ***********
@Jan *****************
The other thing that confused me with applying from the UK on an ā€œOā€ was that it states I have to be over 50 with a state pension. I donā€™t have a pension yet and canā€™t claim a state pension until 67? My income is from rental and savings..