David ***********
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David ***********
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David ***********
@Andy ***********
captive audience. As I said someone friends are making money.
David ***********
@Andy ***********
you do not need the middle man. It can be done by the embassy. Having dealt with VFS I was not impressed. It is just a money making machine.
David ***********
@Brandon ***********
what? You gave the previous poster a detailed answer. Guess I made a mistake asking you.
David ***********
@Brandon ***********

I intend to get 60 days, leave and return for another 60 days then drop Baht 1,900 for a 30 day extention. Does that seem reasonable?

The only issues will be the return ticket which covers 150 days. Is that a problem?
David ***********
@Jim *****
this was in Chiang Mai. Stops everywhere, even Thais getting. Must admit in my local town never got stopped.
David ***********
@Benjamin ********
I have a car licence but not a bike. I now have an IDP but may be hire a bike one or two times a year.
David ***********
@Bonnie ********
I was, had to follow a cop on his bike with 3 others. Got a feeling he was helping as it was a tortuous route.
David ***********
@Nick ******
this what hapoens when you drive a motor bike without an IDP

1. They escort you to a police station

2. Fine you Baht500

3. Give you a form which gives you 3 days grace to get one.

4. If you get stopped again in those 3 days nothing happens, they let you go.

5. After this 3 days, I guess repeat 1 thru 4. Did not drive after that.

Happened to me in Chiang Mai
David ***********
@Stuart **********
same thing. Ultimately the Home Office would give advice. However I beleive that VFS started processing passports in 2003 and that would be Labour. But who is the major shareholders, Blackstone. Nuf said.
David ***********
Used VFS to get a visa for my wife to the UK. Very invasive application procedure. Do not like them one bit far supperior service when at the embassay. Guess itcwas done by some government civil servant to make someone rich