Matt ******
This is a summary of
Matt ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 6 comments.



Matt *******
Yes: I did it all yesterday. But then I read conflicting reports about whether it works the first time AND that you are supposed to submit 15 days prior to the 90 day deadline.

We’re out of Bangkok Monday to Wednesday so now I’m trying to decide whether to just go in person today or hope the website works. Seems safest to go in person today.
Matt *******
I ask because I submitted everything online, but it says pending.... I know lots of people have trouble with the online way
Matt *******
Okay! Thanks for the help. Will you allow a final related question: can our first 90 day report be done online or must it be done in person?
Matt *******
@Tod ********
yes, we had extended previously and in September received another 90 day extension (to December 10).
Matt *******
Thanks so much: do you know if they need TM30? One Airbnb host hasn’t given it to our friends.