François **********
This is a summary of
François **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 4 comments.



François ***********
Yes enough, but it has to be done (TM30) every time you every hotel and ghesthouse will do, then you when you will come back home your landlord or you have to do it.
François ***********
If you talk about TM30, every hotels and guesthouses will do for you (normally....because some in small villages and cities don't do). In Chiang Mai, if you are living in house, appartment, condo, landlord is responsible to do it, but YOU will have problems if he doesn't (many don't do). So check with him if he will do. If he doesn't, you can do yourself at immigration office... you have 24 hours to do it....

About TM 47, you have to report your address 90 days after your entry in the country, then every 90 days...