what? u request, get denied, HAVE TO buy 7days for 1900b? assume you didnt go there last day of your visa then u dont HAVE TO buy those 7days.. what are they gonna force you to buy it? that would be ridiculous if thats truth.
Even if you went there last day of your visa, u DONT HAVE TO buy 7days/1900 , instead can just leave thailand that day or pack in 1day, pay 500b fine, or not?
and that void stamp might lead in not getting visa exemption at entry point? as i read in previous post today, that they send that person back to embassy to ask why voided
that arise a question if u get refused ED visa in laos, then can u still enter by land on visa exemption or will exemption be denied for the same reason as the embassy did?
embassies dont see visa history in ur new passport but borders do, or am i wrong? someone said it here, that embassies dont have access to that database