Scott *********
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Scott *********
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Scott *********
@Darren *****
Now if you read the post that says 5000, it says if you want to live large.. I gave multiple scales for different kinds of living.. I wasn't bragging, I didn't even mention that that is my level, but I do get to live that life at that level and there is no need to dream about it. I was blessed in my life and own multiple rental properties in USA. Plenty of income, actually more than that. I just gave a multi tiered answer. Why so many haters, so many negative Nellie's, so much trolling. I simply gave my experience and a few choices for the person asking. Can't help my access to income is more than sufficient. My reply was humble, just informative based on experience. $5000 a month is lower middle income in USA.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
cracks me up you try to be knowledgeable about living in Thailand when you're in a backwater that is nowhere near the cost of living in a city where most people are and want to be. I'll bet 2500usd there is like 7500 in bkk. Strangely in line with what I quoted. Tell me, when did you last live in bkk, phuket, Samui, pattaya? Or are you only able to relate to your personal situation in podunk thailand?
Scott *********
Again, look where you live, look at my comments accurately if you can read, and go away. 5000 was live well, which I'm sure can't comprehend, but means living large, well, big, fun, upscale. 3000 which is the level you are at was comfortable. 1500 was budget. I can do visual aids if you'll comprehend that better. Obviously you need help.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
Go back and read you a little bit ignoramus. I said 5000 is living well. 3000 comfortable. 1500 to get by. And the tear you apart was insults on you in your profile. Go get some therapy and a life, and maybe some literacy lessons.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
If you were truly happy, you would not have felt a need to negatively comment on my post of advice which according to your numbers was quite accurate. Even your own numbers show your contradictory comments. 90,000 is over 2500 a month in a small city area. Cost of living in the city is more. So adjusted, you proved my point. So, I hope you remain "comfertable" and saving.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
Hmm, live comfortable on almost 3000usd a month... sounds familiar, where have I heard that before..... it'll come to me... and that's in an outlying area. So minimum 3000 in bkk.
Scott *********
@Ilia ********
That's why I mentioned living like a backpacker on 1500. Easy to do, but you have to plan. If you want to just live like like US standard it's about 3000. 5000 a month in Bangkok is about like
a month in the US. I lived there for one year and i visit often.
Scott *********
@Dror ********
I love the having to make things up for insults. I could tear apart the things I see in your profile, but I'll refrain and take the high road. Remember, you went to insults because I gave a range of living standards to someone who asked. You went low, I'll stay high. You keep living in a glass house. I'll hold back my stones. Let me know if you ever get a clue. Til then, I'll be enjoying my life. No need to compare d!@& size. Trust me, I'll win. So much hate for someone that has it better than you. Sad....
Scott *********
@Russell **********
learn math first of all. Second, sorry you can't afford it, but don't hate cuz others aren't losers. I enjoy a fun life of travel, dating, partying with table service, and living in a nice place. With brains you can do it, without... well, you're there already, you know what I mean. It don't take ego, ego is when you insult others who have what you don't to try and see them down at your level.