Dror ********
This is a summary of
Dror ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 79 comments.



Dror *********
@Henrik ****
number 19 is wrong many foreigners have agency here these days
Dror *********
@Wayne ********
exactly and your answer was generalised that on other visas IO will ask and on retirment he wouldnt. Anyway no beed to argue maybe misunderstanding
Dror *********
@Wayne ********
no you said that ALL other visas IO will be asking after few times you generalised all other visas in same space with TV and such so no i def disnt thi k retirment visa allows work thank you
Dror *********
@Wayne ********
it doesnt metter he was asking in general i didnt think you can work on retirment visa anyway
Dror *********
@Steve ******
if you use agent and pay 5k better go open it yourself abd buy the insurance from the bank at least you get a lil something in return
Dror *********
@Wayne ********
"what is the advantage between retirment visa to the other visas"

That includes work permit and such
Dror *********
@Steve ******
and add about 3-5000 bht to the mix instead of 300 bht you wouldnpay for issuing a debit by the bank so yea no thanks
Dror *********
@Wayne ********
he asked retirement VS the other kinds ie extensions.

So it is not entierly true. If you have a work permitno IO will ask questions and even if they do just know what you should and done
Dror *********
@Tim *******
we will see about it. Just came out. Toursit visas were back to back before and it changed