Stuart ************
This is a summary of
Stuart ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 10 comments.


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Stuart ************
Michael - I see your still making stupid decisions - can you speak a little louder I am having trouble hearing you from all the bullshit you are dribbling - why not take a day off you've got the rest of your life to annoy others which I think won't be hard for you to do - I am sorry - were you trying to insult and intimidate me - oh one last thing as I tire from our little banter as anyone that has paid any attention to U - well they were totally WRONG,- now shhhhh Mickey the adults have better things to do - I am sorry I didn't realise you were still here - okay I am going now Never to return as I don't have anymore time or crayons to explain anything else to you - now take the day off as you already know you have the rest of your life to annoy others with your dribble and all this is like a broken pencil to me - ---- pointless
Stuart ************
Wow you're even more annoying than you look Michael - did you just wake up or are you always this stupid as I am not arguing with you - I am just explaining why I am right and so the personality test is over - you passed the stupidity test top of the class - I actually was wondering what your problem is I am sure it's hard to pronounce but don't worry Id try to be kinder only if you were smarter
Stuart ************
@Mike *****
8 and a half years Sung's tai Kwon do - dipshit - eat little boys - I trained little boys to eat people like you for a snack PS pornhub gay section wants there money refunded from you
Stuart ************
@Mike *****
yeah I thought somebody told me you were in the gay section of pornhub eating little boys
Stuart ************
@Mike *****
so you have the operation have you - who the fuk cares - boy - get a real life - I wouldn't be playing in the playground with the big boys if I were you - please cover your head or put a shirt over it fukstik
Stuart ************
@Mike *****
its also spelt .. GOOD idea not go idea
Stuart ************
@Mike *****
who made you king to pass judgement on me !! 1 dislike ( THATS YOU ) and if anymore DILLIGAF !!! it took me years to achieve a standard that you only wish you could ......... JEALOUSY must be suuuch a bitch
Stuart ************
Hi Julie , I agree, everyone knows that things can be googled but sometimes its nice to get a bit of insight from people , I was once told by a very wise person .. "IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION IT'S NOT STUPID AS THE QUESTION REQUIRES AN INTELLIGENT ANSWER or YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ASKED IT and if you don't ask it then WHO IS ACTUALLY THE STUPID PERSON for NOT ASKING? ..... plus how will you know the answer ? EVERYONE that has visited other countries for the first time had questions as it was their first time and the negative people forget THIS !!........ they were in the same boat at ONE STAGE asking the same so called STUPID QUESTIONS !! .. please be nice in these rooms guys and HELP THE NEWBIES for a change , NOT CRITICIZE THEM .. We WERE THEM ONCE .............................................. "BEFORE" whether a DAY or a CENTURY AGO !! ...... "We WERE THEM ONCE"