Thank you! So, with the extension, you in essence are getting 2yrs ? (or am I getting confused between the work permit and the visa?) lol.. sorry for all the questions
So...let me see if I understand.. the work permit/Non B visa is for 90 days only, from which you apply for an extension of stay which turns it into 1yr (?) but you still are doing 90 day reporting. If the job is lost, you have to cancel the extension. (correct?)
I processed my ED visa while here in Thailand, leaving the country to activate it after it was processed.. I'm thinking perhaps I may be able to do that again (hypothetically if I get hired and then am out of a job after)
I just saw your post below (ust an FYI: for anyone on a year-long, multi-entry Non-B visa.
It does not matter if you quit your job and cancel your work permit when you are on this type of visa. You are free to stay 90 days at a time for the validity of the visa no matter if you're working or not.)
So I guess my question would only be regarding reverting back to ED Visa.. thanks!