Tammy ********
This is a summary of
Tammy ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 4 comments.



Tammy *********
Definitely don't want extensive logistics or coordination. I want all smooth sailing. 😆
Tammy *********
Thanks for the info. I thought I'd read that you could get a 60 day tourist visa & extend 4X for 30 days each. I will look into the STV. If we get a SETV when I do the 30 day extension does it need to be done in the location I arrived in or can it be done from anywhere? I've been to Thailand a handful of times back in the day and did visa runs but I figured that wasn't going to be the best option for now. Hopefully by March there will be more options with that. Also do you know if my child would go as a dependent on my visa or have her own? Thanks! 😊