Liz ********
This is a summary of
Liz ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 4 comments.



Liz *********
Is this information still current? When are the border times for the nong khai / vientiane crossing? Any updates on the time in the evening you can cross the border into Vientiane (if you don't already have a Laos visa and need a visa or exemption on arrival). Has anyone confirmed that the visa on arrival booth is open until 9pm?
Liz *********
@Steve ******
Yes. I have all the proper documentation. Just wondering if people have experience asking for this type of visa there. Anyone else have any experience in Kunming?
Liz *********
@Steve ******
Non-O single entry volunteer visa. I checked their site and tried to call the 2 numbers listed a few times but haven't been able to get through . Wondering if anyone has any real (and recent) experience with them.