embassy letters

Showing 13 questions

This page displays all the results for the Embassy Letters tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 13 questions that have been tagged with Embassy Letters. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Aug 24, 2021
3 years ago
Greg *****
Hi, can I apply for the covid extension in Bangkok if I'm staying in say Pattaya or Hua Hin? Is it true that I need a letter from my embassy to get the extension approval?

Thanks for any help I could get here.
Oct 19, 2020
4 years ago
Padma's ******
Muathong Thani extension from Oct 26-Nov 30.

Took about 5 minutes, no online booking and no additional paperwork needed.

An officer told me that people would be able to apply for 60 day extensions with updated embassy letters but that they would be considering each application case-by-case.

It’s still really quiet.
Oct 18, 2020
4 years ago
Lloyd ********
Apathetic friend arrived back in Thailand on 7 March, since then he has done nothing, no amnesty stamps, no embassy letter, nothing. Where does he stand regarding the amnesty? (His embassy are no longer issuing letters).
Oct 2, 2020
4 years ago
Tod *********

**Free extension until Nov 30th for some people

**AT THIS TIME; there are reports from people used an embassy letter to request a 30 day extension (before the previous amnesty ran out on Sept 26th) and who have went back to get the under consideration stamp "loop closed". They were stamped in until Nov 30th

**60 day extensions after amnesty ends

**We have no information on how the "60 day extensions" (possibly without the embassy letter) will be handled either. Just have to wait it out and see what happens S

STV - Special Tourist VIsa

As far as the Special Tourist Visa (that's good for 90 days, and can be extended twice for 90 days each time) we know NOTHING more than is in the news. Period, end of story.

Contact the thai consulate in the country you're in, they will be the first to have the information of how it will work

We are not allowing posts about these things on the group right now because all we know is what you know

Thank you
Sep 25, 2020
4 years ago
Chris *************
Friend was at CW at 530 pm and this was the scenes of guys extending their visas with embassy letters
Sep 24, 2020
4 years ago
Jaymie ********
I am just leaving jomtien immigration where I was turned away with a medical certificate from bangkok hospital saying I am unable to fly for 14 days. They said they only accept embassy letters not medical certicates. Is this the policy at all immigration officea in thailand? I thought if u had an embassy letter OR a medical certificate u would be given an extension.
Sep 23, 2020
4 years ago
Marty *******
Hi Guys, It's been really useful reading all your stories and seeing the clear responses, so, thank you!

Here's my situation:

-VOA beginning March

-30 extension stamped just before they announced amnesty (would have run out early May)

-Our embassy will not provide us with letters, but we think our only option is the 30 day tourist visa extension (which requires embassy letters)

Any help greatly appreciated!
Sep 5, 2020
4 years ago
Joe ***********
Which countries' Embassies are NOW issuing some kind of Letter - stating in one way or another - that a citizen should be allowed to extend their stay in Thailand due X, Y, or Z reason... For starters I read recently that the USA Embassy relented and began issuing a letter... So What about France, Great Britain other UK Countries, other European countries - Belgium, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia - Norway Sweden, other, Canada, Australia, Japan, Russia... Please add a country that you Know is issuing a letter - AND sample of the phrases used.
Jul 15, 2020
5 years ago
Bo ****
Regarding embassy letters, are the ones issued prior to the amnesty being announced still valid? I have a personalized letter from the U.S. embassy dated 3/24/2020 that I didn't use since I just went with the amnesty. Asking b/c I don't see anywhere that says existing letters have expiration dates. Thanks in advance for the advice.
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