What documents do I need for a Workation visa in Thailand and how do I apply for my dependent?

August 9, 2024
2 months ago
Jenn *****
Hi apologies if these are dumb questions,

We are in Chicago,

I work remote for the US company (Analytics field) and also in the process of opening my LLC(had one before too doing ecom) and have an upcoming customer contract,

I have a proof of employment though it doesnt specify that I am remote,

Q1 will that be enough for Workation? Do I need to attach both, proof of employment and LLC/customer contract info?

Q2 in Chicago it only gives me option to apply online, so do I just attach all of it there?

Q3 I have a dependent, do i need a separate application for him? Do I file both at the same time? Attaching all the same docs for him?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on applying for a Workation visa in Thailand while working remotely for a US company. They are uncertain if their proof of employment is sufficient, if they need to include information about their LLC/customer contract, the application process in Chicago, and how to handle a dependent's application. The responses indicate that a specific verification letter stating remote work is often required, along with possible additional documentation like a resume. They confirm that the application in Chicago is online only and that a separate application is needed for dependents, filed after obtaining the DTV visa.
Casey ******
Before I moved to Thailand 7 years ago I too lived, worked, and have an LLC in Chicago. Feel free to ask or DM any questions you have. I don’t have any experience with the dependent component of the DTV, however.
Jenn *****
@Casey *****
Will do, thank you!
Darren *********
Just got mine from Chicago. They need to see remote in a letter as others have said. I just had my company add a line saying I work remote to my proof on employment letter.

They also wanted my resume.

Took about a week for them to review and request those. Then under a day once provided.
Jenn *****
@Darren ********
also curios, how long do you say you’ll stay in Thailand?
Darren *********
@Jenn ****
any other questions feel free to ping me. Happy to help any way I can.
Darren *********
@Jenn ****
yeah putting 1 year seems like setting yourself up for more questions at best.
Jenn *****
@Darren ********
Thank you!
Darren *********
@Jenn ****
no the bank that clears the fee is foreign, my bank
charged an idiotic foreign transfer fee.
Darren *********
@Jenn ****
it was around 400 plus bank fees.
Jenn *****
@Darren ********
bank fees you mean proof of sufficient funds?
Darren *********
@Jenn ****
I said 180 days. But as long as you put under the no extension limit there should be no questions. Much like the flight or arrival dates, with the DVT it doesn’t really matter. I think those questions are leftover from the other procedures or there to make sure you are familiar with the rules.
Jenn *****
@Darren ********
I thought to put 1 year, but being under the no extension limit is probably wiser!
Jenn *****
@Darren ********
Thanks so much, I just got ‘remote’ added to my employment letter yesterday.🤞🏻 How much did you pay for the visa?
Elías ********
I had my employer write a "verification letter" stating I can work remotely. The letter doesn't say "in Thailand", but it's specifically addressed to the local Thai embassy. I also included the average monthly pay on it.
Brandon ************
1) Multiple reports are that embassies have required that you have a document specifically stating that you can work remotely, and some embassies also require that it state you can work remotely in Thailand.

2) Online is the only option

3) You must have the DTV visa before you can apply for a dependent based on your visa.
Jenn *****
@Brandon ***********
Thank you!

So if I provide LLC & contract information, it should state the right to work remote/from Thailand?
Brandon ************
@Jenn ****
that should cover any requirement for that specific item
Jenn *****
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