What do I need to extend my visa exemption in Thailand, and is a TM30 mandatory?

August 11, 2024
2 months ago
James ********
Hi all,

I need to extend my visa exemption tomorrow to stay another 30 days. I'm trying to obtain a TM30 from my accommodation. Can anyone show me what it looks like? They've just sent a few mobile screen shots and don't know if that will suffice.

Also, I have a copy of passport photo and stamp pages, photo and 1900 baht. Is that everything I need?


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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user named James is seeking advice on extending his visa exemption in Thailand and whether a TM30 is needed for the process. He plans to apply tomorrow but learns about a national holiday causing immigration offices to be closed. Several comments indicate that a TM30 might be necessary depending on the office, though experiences vary. It's clarified that the owner of any accommodation is required to file a TM30 within 24 hours of a foreigner arriving. James expresses appreciation for the community's helpful responses.
Chris *******
James ********
I have three screen shots similar to that.
Brandon ************
@James *******
Within 15 days of a TM30 being entered, you can go back into the system and search for that entry, then push the button that generates the pdf that Chris shared. The pdf is the official TM30 notification
James ********
@Brandon ***********
is that export button how you generate the PDF when creating the entry? Assume there is another option like you say when it's already been made
Chris *******
Brandon ************
@James *******
I'm not sure since I've never used the system myself. I just know it's a 2-step process.

First you make the entry into the system.

Then you search for the entry you just made, and from that you can export it.
James ********
James ********
James ********
hmmm ok. that's different to what i hvae.
James ********
Thanks everyone for all the awesome advice. I don't think I've ever asked a question in a Facebook group where so many people have actually been helpful; usually they seem to start arguing amongst themselves about something irrelevant to what I've asked 😅. So thanks again for the prompt, specific and helpful advice.

To clear up a few things: I'm on Koh Phangan, not sure if a TM30 is usually required here or not. My visa expires on Tuesday 13th. I would have liked to have had a few more days up my sleeve but other things were happening, not very German me.
Henrik *****
The owner of the place you stay is obliged to always make a TM30, within 24 hours of a foreigner affiving at their adress.

So no matter where you stay a TM30 is required.in Thailand.

Most tourists won’t notice, that the hotel, hostel etc. file the TM30
Phil *******
@James *******
i did mine on Thursday, the only other thing they asked for was a printed copy of my visa acceptance because i was on a tourist e-visa.
John *******
Unfortunately, tomorrow is a holiday. You are going to have to wait until Tuesday, if your visa doesn’t expire by then.
Nongnuch ********
@John ******
in case he runs into overstay tomorrow, it will be waived by tuesday due it being weekend or a holiday
Jim ********
Is it a new thing where you need a TM30 to extend? In all the years or visiting Thailand and a hell of a lot of visa extensions I’ve never needed to take a TM30 with me 🤷‍♂️
Stuart *********
@Jim *******
Depends on the office. Previously Phuket didn’t require a TM30 for short term extensions but now they do. I suspect other offices that didn’t require one may do so now.
Jim ********
@Stuart ********
ahh that’s why then because I’ve done 95% of my extensions over the years either in Patong or Phuket town. I remember that for future 👌
Максим **********
Thats everything, exept working immigration on Monday. It is holiday.

Some immigrations dont ask for TM30. It can be different look. Based on the way they used.

Tuesday also is ok if you will come early and finish it on Tuesday.
Stuart *********
You won’t be extending anything tomorrow. All immigration offices are shut because of the national holiday.

You may find a screenshot will suffice but almost certainly they will want a physical print of that screenshot. It really depends on the office you are going to use (on Tuesday) as what they’ll accept.
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