What do I need to enter Thailand, just my passport?

Oct 11, 2024
5 days ago
Chris ********
Hi Chris here from London UK. Going to thailand November 30th arrive in Thailand December 1st. Iam just making sure what I need to enter thailand. Is it just my passport. Please let me know. As I don't want any problems in Bangkok airport. Thanks. Chris
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To enter Thailand as a UK passport holder, you generally need just your passport and a return ticket, as UK citizens can stay for up to 60 days under the visa exemption policy. It is advisable to carry some cash (at least 10,000 baht or the equivalent) as proof of sufficient funds, although this is rarely checked. Additionally, having evidence of onward travel and an address in Thailand may be necessary, but usually, these requirements are not enforced strictly at immigration. Always ensure your passport has at least six months of validity remaining.
Bryan ********
You need underpants, it’s illegal to go commando- 100% fact
John ********
Look Google
David ********
Don't listen just come and present your passport at immagration. Thai are happy to welcome visitors they never ask you for all the shit mentioned. The comments are all bullshit.. you on holidays relax and enjoy the welcome from Thai people sabai sabai
Chris ********
@David *******
David Hasnip thanks
Jay *******
I think you're supposed to have evidence of minimum finances but, in a quarter of a decade of regularly visiting here from London, never once have I been asked to declare that.
John *******
Going the same day just a passport
Andrew *********
Your answer is yes .. VOA visa on arrivel but Make sure you got at least 6 months left on your PP.
Chris ********
@Andrew ********
Andrew Langley my passport lasts until 2030
Andrew *********
@Chris *******
your good to go just turn up and you will be fine and enjoy yourself.
Chris ********
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew ********
British citizens don't get a VOA. All they get is a stamp with a 60-days stay permit
Andrew *********
@Nongnuch *******
and what does that stamp represent ?? that is a voa. Visa on arrivel ...doh
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew ********
and for the 2000.- THB they will only receive 15 days, doh, uh . . and that's not what Chris Wright will get upon entry. He expects to receive a 60 days stay permit when he arrives WITHOUT a visa
Andrew *********
@Nongnuch *******
you really are clueless pal .A simple stamp is as you call it is the visa so your a snowflake who prefers to call it a stay permit .. VOA for British people. Yes Here have a glass of water .
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew ********
only THESE countries will receive a VOA
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew ********
no, it is a simple stamp that says "admitted until" and this stamp is NOT a visa at all. It is a "stay permit" for 60 days. A Thai "visa-on-arrival" must be bought for 2000.- THB inside the airport before entering Thailand, and it's mandatory for 31 countries but NOT for English citizens
David ******
When you arrive at the Immigration Desk, present your passport and your plane boarding pass.
Nick ************
@David *****
yeh the boarding pass caught me out. Couldn't find it for ages. How do they think you got on the plane?
David ******
@Nick ***********
I agree… Since the TM6 arrival/departure card is no longer in place, the boarding pass has all your details about you that the airlines already obtained. The TM6 only ask for lodging information which has very little impact.
Judy **********
Just a passport and proof of a return ticket and the new entry regulations want proof of 10,000 baht per person or 20k per family.
Greta *****
The LESS you bring the LESS chance you'll get in troubles
Jamie ******
Learn some Thai phrases such "khub Khun krab" for thank you. "Sawasdee krub" for hello. This will impress immigration officer.
Colin *******
Been going to thailand 25 times in 15 yrs ,passport and covid certificate is all I needed now no covid just passport from australia
Martin *********
Make sure there's 5,000b in your passport when you stand in front of the Immigration officer, you'll be fine.
Judy **********
@Martin ********
Don't give bad advice.
Chris ********
@Martin ********
Martin Twibill thanks
Mark ********
@Chris *******
this is not good advice!
Martin *********
@Chris *******
welcome 🙏
Pieter **************
Depends how long you're planning to stay
Chris ********
Sean *****
Passport and a small fortune
Joe **********
Judy **********
@Joe *********
New entry regulations. 10,000 baht per person or 20,000 baht per family.
Steve *******
Technically you need 20k baht in cash or currency equivalent, proof of onward travel within your visa/exemption and an address where you're staying, however these are rarely asked for at Immigration
Chris ********
@Steve ******
Steve Greir thanks
Marks *********
Aren’t they switching to some electronic registration and QR code program soon? ETA program?
Chris ********
@Marks ********
eta has been postponed
John *******
A ticket passport and a smile
John **********
Sorry to jump on the post but is it the same requirement for an Irish (EU) passport. Thanks
Graeme ******
@John *********
yes same 60 day visa exemption on arrival
Stephen *******
@John *********
to be sure
Stephen *******
Passport and plenty cash enjoy
Graeme ******
Also although I have never been asked you should have money with you I think it's
baht equivalent with you, so can be in UK pounds
Markie ******
@Graeme *****
strangely never been asked return ticket or money but never know
Judy **********
@Graeme *****
We have travelled to Thailand for the last 20 years and now live here. We have never, ever been asked how much money we have on us.
Chris ********
But I will have lot UK pounds
Chris ********
Some one said 10.000 bath
Graham ******
@Chris *******
10k for Visa on Arrival, 20k for Visa Exempt
Steven *******
@Graeme *****
20,000 baht. But, as you said, they seldom ask unless you look disheveled.
Judy **********
@Steven ******
10k per person and 20k per family.
Nongnuch ********
@Judy *********
that's how it is printed on the embassy website. However, IF Immigration asks, they will always ask for 20K person and 40K per family. Immigration doesn't care what the Thai embassies publish
Graeme ******
@Steven ******
yeah I couldn't remember whether is was 10k or 20k baht, always bring plenty 😉
Graham ******
@Graeme *****
10k for Visa on Arrival, 20k for Visa Exempt
Andi ***********
Just your passport with your return ticket. UK passport holders get 60 days visa exemption on arrival. You can extend for 30 more days in Thailand
Andrew *********
@Andi **********
only need an ongoing ticket not a return necessarily and ony needed at departure not when you arrive .
Steven *******
@Andi **********
The ticket doesn’t have to be a return ticket, just anywhere out of Thailand.
Andi ***********
@Steven ******
That's right
Chris ********
@Andi **********
Thank you 💓
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