Can I enter Thailand earlier with my TR visa without reapplying?

December 29, 2020
4 years ago
Kevin *****
Hi all,

I got my TR visa and it's valid from Dec 23, 2020 to March 22, 2021.

I told them I was flying to Thailand on Jan 17th, 2021 but now I'm wanting to fly sooner. Do I have to apply for another TR visa? Or since I already got my TR Visa, can just get on an earlier flight/ASQ hotel?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster's TR visa is valid for entry until March 22, 2021, and they initially planned to enter Thailand on January 17, 2021. Community responses confirm that as long as the visa is valid, the poster can enter earlier without applying for a new visa, but they will need to obtain a new Certificate of Entry (COE) reflecting their updated travel plans. Users clarified the importance of the COE and that the visa validity starts from the issue date, allowing for travel within the specified timeframe.
Alwyne ********
No hope thailand in lock down and you be very luck to get here for 6 more months
Kevin *****
Hi all, I was able to get a COE (No need to get new visa).

I went to the embassy and they opened up my online application and told me to upload my new flights, ASQ hotel and insurance details. Then I was given my COE.

Thanks for everyone's help again, much appreciated!
Martin **********
No visa changed. If you had apply for your COE already, and it was approved then you need to ask a new COE. If not, u go to the website, get old hotel booking off, old flight too and put new data.
Neil *********
If it’s a normal tr visa it’s valid from date is fine but you don’t start the clock ticking until you take off
Steve *******
Your visa is fine. You can enter Thailand on it up untill 22nd March. You'll be stamped in for 60 days.
Jill ******
You don’t have to provide your flight documents until you are able to upload to the COE website. It’s ok I change mine too
George *********
It’s odd because those are the exact dates on my visa...😂
Tony *********
Can I ask if you told them you flying out 17th january why does it say valid from 23rd december ??
Steve *******
@Tony ********
The visa is dated/valid from the day it's issued.
Tod *********
@Tony ********
when you apply for a 'regular' tourist visa it's valid for 90 days from the date it's issued. That means you have that long of a time to enter thailand on it and you'll get stamped in for 60 days like everyone on a regular tourist visa :)
Tony *********
@Tod ********
oh ok cheers mate
Frank ******
Yes no new visa just COE
Natcha *********
You just need to get new COE
Joseph *********
@Natcha *********
Yes to both.
Natcha *********
Which means you need to get new flight, new ASQ confirmation and insurance that cover your whole stay.
Frank ******
As long as on or after Dec 23
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