Mauricio ********
This is a summary of
Mauricio ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 7 comments.



Mauricio *********
Is it anything I need to do before I leave the country with OX with the intention to return in 2 years, let`s say?
Mauricio *********
So, for instance with the X-O visa, I can leave the Thailand for one year and return my visa will still be valid?
Mauricio *********
I can`t do that, it took me many years to find my cymbals, snares, drums sizes everything, I would prefer to go to some place else.
Mauricio *********
Also in Indonesia under the retire visa you can enter with all your stuff, as well as Portugal.
Mauricio *********
Yes Bob, I am over 50. It seems the O-A I would be able to show the salary pay slips no need to make a deposit... but I will double check everything.