Lani ********
This is a summary of
Lani ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 11 comments.



Lani *********
, thanks, that makes sense and is in line with other sources I've read. Cheers.
Lani *********
working, Non-B, I believe it's called.
Lani *********
, ahhh, so perhaps we were asking the wrong question or were misunderstood as we have been learning of all this through a third party. I can PM you the more specific details if you're really interested. But I'll try clarifying the visa type. Thanks!
Lani *********
, I really appreciate what you all do here. Thank you. A particular visa office is saying they cannot do it, so I was curious if anyone has had experience otherwise during these times. However, your response leads me to believe that it can/has been done.
Lani *********
Correct, both have it and one wants to change to a dependent visa.