Justine *******************
This is a summary of
Justine *******************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 9 comments.



Justine ********************
@Deborah *****
I’ve PM’d you so we can connect. We’re in literally exactly the same situation as you; Aussies, Visa exemption already extended and expiring 31 March.
Justine ********************
@Sei ****
OMG, we have to go soon, praying that it will stay all good.
Justine ********************
You guys have never heard of Non-B extension of stay switching to Non-O extension of stay for trailing spouse INSIDE Thailand?
Justine ********************
I’m assuming the border bounce in Ranong has times and closes?! Not that I’d want to cross in the night to be honest.
Justine ********************
, oh man! This is a new issue you’ve brought to light now...🙈😭 and I like to always do things the right way (which sucks).

I’ve read that, I’d need to go to Labour Office and cancel work permit, then straight to immigration to cancel extension of stay, and then have to leave that day (which is not going to be possible by Myanmar because I have to get my ass up there from Phuket after sitting at these two offices most of the day probably)!

Work permit expires this Saturday Feb 1.

I really don’t know what to do now. Argh!

What’s the potential consequences of staying over a bit after the work permit expires, not cancelling anything, border bouncing and returning on visa exempt to get Non-O inside?
Justine ********************
, thanks so much for your information.

I’ve noticed you commented on a lot of other posts and have a wide knowledge base. So hope you don’t mind me picking your brain...🙏🏼

As it turns out now, the company will just extend my husband’s current work permit (in process now) keeping it in the same company and completely as is. But, they won’t be able to extend mine.

They say, similar to you, that I can’t switch my “extension of stay” (which was originally based off Non-B and work permit) to an “extension of stay for Non-O”.

So, currently I’m exploring border bounce in Ranong/Myanmar. From what I’ve searched and the group posts I’ve read, as an Australian, I should get 30 Day Visa Exempt.

1) Do you agree 30 days? Not 15 days? Correct?

Secondly, I want my husband to accompany me, so he will get a re-entry permit for his current “extension of stay”.

2) I want to know your thoughts, as we believe there shouldn’t be any issues with them stamping him back into Thailand?

We’re just concerned because it looks “funny” because he already has a visa and is just coming along for the ride per se.

We will have to wait until he has his updated work permit physically on him (just in case).

Thanks in advance for you time.
Justine ********************
I suppose our main concern is we’re just at the start of a new 12 months, with our extension of stay (which was a lot of work to get), I’m hoping we can just change the reason within Thailand.

It doesn’t mean changing completely to a Non-O does it? 🤦🏽‍♀️
Justine ********************
Thank you

Yes, understand about the not working part.

Can the extension of stay be changed and remain in Thailand?

So do I understand correctly that I don’t need to change the “visa type” per se just the ‘reason’ for the extension of stay (for example, no longer working, but dependant).

Our employer will arrange it all...paperwork etc. We don’t really have a choice, but will be involved as much as possible (totally understand this, but unfortunately we have to have an element of trust).