Anthony ******************
This is a summary of
Anthony ******************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 63 comments.


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Anthony ******************
What country you from?
Anthony ******************
To what language and for what purpose?
Anthony ******************
What visa do you hold? Where do you live? Many places that can assist you?
Anthony ******************
Best is best. 555. Fly to Cambodia or Ubon then bus to Laos
Anthony ******************
Bangkok Pattaya and change Mai internet is pretty good in most places including Issan
Anthony ******************
Your name, date and place of birth and finger prints let alone facial recognition the same? Come 5 years time passports will not exist. All on line.
Anthony ******************
Try Air Asia kiosk at TESCO. What airport do you want to find a hotel. Thailand or Cambodia?